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How To Be Curious?

Curious lady

Redefining Success | Resorting Life Balance

how to be curious?

In a world often overshadowed by uncertainty and distraction, the quest for purpose emerges as a beacon of hope—an elusive yet essential pursuit that resonates deeply with individuals seeking fulfilment and meaning in their lives. Go To Yellow emerges as a beacon of guidance, offering expertise in personal development coaching that transcends borders. Rooted in a wealth of scientific research, their approach revolves around harnessing curiosity to illuminate the path towards their true calling.

Central to Go To Yellow’s philosophy addresses the common struggle of feeling uninspired—a phenomenon with profound psychological underpinnings. Studies in psychology suggest that a lack of purpose can lead to feelings of aimlessness and disengagement, affecting mental well-being and overall satisfaction with life. By recognising and addressing this challenge, Go To Yellow sets the stage for transformative growth.

Enter Tammy Whalen Blake, the visionary founder behind Go To Yellow, whose pioneering personal development approach has revolutionised how individuals perceive and pursue their purpose. Drawing upon years of experience and insight, Tammy has developed a groundbreaking methodology known as the “10 Questions” technique, a strategic framework grounded in cognitive science. Research on curiosity reveals that it is a fundamental motivator for learning and exploration, activating neural pathways associated with reward and pleasure. By encouraging individuals to delve into the details of everyday experiences, the “10 Questions” technique stimulates curiosity, fostering a sense of wonder and discovery.

At its core, the “10 Questions” technique encourages individuals to delve deep into the minutiae of everyday experiences, prompting them to ask ten probing questions about a single detail. Whether it’s a casual conversation with a colleague, a fleeting observation in nature, or a mundane task performed in routine, every moment becomes an opportunity for exploration and discovery.

Consider, for instance, a simple anecdote shared by a friend about their weekend activities, recounting their efforts to refurbish an old car. Rather than passively absorbing this information, participants of the “10 Questions” technique are encouraged to engage their curiosity by posing a series of inquiries about the car—its history, the restoration process, the challenges encountered, and beyond.

Initially, embracing this inquisitive mindset may feel unfamiliar or even daunting. Yet, Go To Yellow emphasises the importance of celebrating every step towards curiosity, recognising each engagement moment as a triumph. With time and practice, what once seemed arduous becomes second nature, and the ten-question threshold is surpassed with ease.

Neuroplasticity, the brain’s remarkable ability to reorganise and adapt, plays a pivotal role in the effectiveness of Go To Yellow’s approach. Studies have shown that engaging in curiosity-driven activities can enhance neuroplasticity, strengthening synaptic connections and promoting cognitive flexibility.

Through consistent practice, participants of the “10 Questions” technique develop a heightened capacity for curiosity, enabling them to uncover hidden passions and purpose.

Furthermore, interpersonal relationships are deeply influenced by the cultivation of curiosity—a principle supported by social neuroscience. Research suggests that curiosity fosters empathy and connection, promoting positive social interactions and deeper understanding between individuals. By actively listening and engaging with others, participants enrich their lives and contribute to society’s collective fabric.

As Go To Yellow continues to champion the transformative power of curiosity, it reaffirms its commitment to guiding individuals towards a life rich in meaning, authenticity, and purpose. So, dare to be curious, and let the journey towards self-discovery begin—a journey illuminated by the unwavering light of Go To Yellow.

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Speak to us about your aspirations today during a no-obligation 30-minute video call. We’ll help you chart a path to freedom, and you can decide whether investing in your personal growth is right for you.

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Tammy Whalen Blake

Tammy Whalen Blake

Founder of go to yellow
Personal Development Coach

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Navigating Emotional Attachment to Home while Longing for Freedom

Torn between home and travel

Redefining Success | Resorting Life Balance

Navigating Emotional Attachment to Home while Longing for Freedom

Are you caught in a web of emotions, torn between the deep attachment to your home and the yearning for freedom to explore new horizons?

Many experience conflicting emotions—feeling deeply attached to their current home yet longing for the freedom to venture into new experiences and places. This tug-of-war between attachment and exploration can make one uncertain and hesitant about the next steps. It’s normal to feel this way.

For many, a home transcends its physical structure; it becomes a repository of cherished memories, a sanctuary of comfort, and a testament to personal identity. The emotional attachment woven into the walls and spaces of a home can evoke a myriad of sentiments and thoughts deeply intertwined with one’s life experiences. 

Thoughts of attachment often revolve around the feeling of safety, warmth, and familiarity within the walls of one’s home. The mere idea of leaving can trigger a sense of anxiety or fear, rooted in the prospect of losing this cocoon of security. 

The corridors echo with memories of laughter, milestones, and personal victories. Individuals may find themselves deeply immersed in nostalgic reveries, cherishing the home’s sentimental value in their life story. For many, it represents a significant milestone—perhaps a first house purchase or a space carefully crafted to echo their lifestyle and preferences.

The home represents an emotional investment. Countless hours, heartfelt efforts, and personal touches shape it into a haven that mirrors their identity and values. Equally, the home might embody a sense of belonging to a community or neighbourhood. The thought of leaving might mean bidding farewell to close-knit ties and cherished relationships.

Amidst the thoughts lies a palpable fear of stepping into the unfamiliar. The prospect of change can evoke uncertainty and resistance, fostering a hesitancy to depart from the known comforts. The emotional struggle between practical considerations and the heart’s reluctance is real. 

There’s a poignant dilemma—weighing the desire or necessity for change against the emotional difficulty of bidding adieu to a place steeped in personal history.

The Pull Towards Desire

While there is the heavyweight, there is equally a pull towards desire. There’s a whisper of curiosity, an irresistible tug towards uncharted territories, and the allure of new experiences. The desire to explore different landscapes, embrace fresh opportunities, and broaden one’s horizons becomes a persistent call.

There’s a recognition that personal growth often thrives in the space beyond comfort zones, igniting a fervent desire to evolve, learn, and embrace what lies ahead.

For many, these are identifiable in themselves, yet taking action can be crippled by the emotions. It is an occurrence Go To Yellow has seen with many battling this dilemma. The key lies in your vision for your future self that pulls you towards taking action and not dragging your feet in worry. 

Self-Awareness Comes First

Uncovering the vision relies heavily on self-awareness and reflection. Identify your values, strengths, passions, and aspirations. By understanding yourself profoundly, you will understand what matters most to you. Once you understand yourself well, you can use this as a foundation to create a detailed life plan and vision for your future.

Know The Vision – Your Life Plan

Create a vivid, detailed future vision that aligns with your desires, aspirations, and goals. Visualise the life you want to lead, focusing on the excitement, fulfilment, and growth it promises. By immersing yourself in this envisioned future, the allure of this compelling vision can gradually outweigh the emotional attachment to the present.

The Future Holds Opportunities

And finally, embrace the belief that change and growth create opportunities for transformation and fulfilment. Trust in the inherent potential and greatness of the future, acknowledging that by letting go of specific attachments, you create space for new experiences, learning, and personal development. This trust in the promise of growth can empower you to navigate the emotional weight of attachment.

How to Start Without Excitement?

This transformative journey can be challenging, which is why our Go To Yellow coaching programs are here to provide guidance and support every step of the way. We’ve encountered situations where clients have discovered that, while their vision holds deep meaning, they struggle to ignite genuine excitement. In such instances, taking action becomes paramount. One particularly successful avenue we’ve explored involves fostering connections within a community to cultivate personal flourishing.

Being part of a community, tapping into shared desires, and embracing interests, even if seemingly unrelated to the main goals, can be remarkably powerful. Connecting with like-minded individuals creates a space for newfound energy and enthusiasm to permeate your life. This energy becomes the catalyst propelling you towards taking the necessary actions to realise your aspirations.

At times, the key to reigniting that spark lies in the unexpected—the conversations, shared experiences, and encouragement found within a supportive community. Exploring passions, hobbies, or pursuits outside the primary goals allows you to tap into your innate joy and zest for life. This renewed sense of enthusiasm often infuses vigour into your pursuits, making the journey towards your aspirations not just purposeful but also deeply fulfilling.

Our coaching programs are designed to help you craft a compelling vision and assist you in navigating the pathways towards that vision, including the profound impact of community and personal joy in fostering lasting motivation and momentum towards your goals. 

Schedule a Call

Share your aspirations with us today during a no-obligation 30-minute video call. We’ll help you chart a path to freedom, and you can decide whether investing in your personal growth is right for you.

Hi, I’m Tammy, and I’ve been through a similar experience twice, with different outcomes. There was a time when my mortgage increased, and I couldn’t afford to keep up with the costs. I had to make a tough choice to rent my home to keep paying the bills. I felt torn between my attachment to my home and being able to keep it in my life until times got better. Fortunately, they did.

I faced a similar situation again, but this time, it was about renting my home to travel the world. I love my home as I put my whole self into it, so trusting someone else to take care of it was crippling. But my desire to travel the world was stronger. I focused on visualising my experiences daily to reduce the emotional impact, and it worked. As soon as I packed up and the tenants moved in, the feelings subsided quickly. Then I boarded the plane, and all my worries were forgotten.

Do I regret my decisions? Absolutely not. Am I glad this happened? Yes, I am. Trusting the universe had my back was important, and I can see how it has interesting lessons for personal growth.

As your coach, I resonate with what you are experiencing. Coupled with my coaching skills, you’ll be in the right hands to realise your visions while navigating your emotions.  

I look forward to meeting you. 


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Tammy Whalen Blake

Tammy Whalen Blake

Founder of go to yellow
Personal Development Coach

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A Scientific Guide on Procrastinating

focusing mind paperwork girl ginger

Redefining Success | Resorting Life Balance

A Scientific Guide on Procrastinating

Procrastination is a common behaviour that affects individuals across all aspects of life. It is the act of delaying or postponing tasks, often leading to negative outcomes such as lower productivity, increased stress, and poor performance. Despite knowing the consequences of procrastination, many people still struggle to overcome it.

Exploring the psychological reasons behind this behaviour is crucial to comprehend procrastination better. Research has revealed that factors such as fear of failure, perfectionism, and impulsivity contribute to the propensity to procrastinate. Furthermore, the rise of digital distractions in today’s world has only exacerbated the problem, making it increasingly challenging for individuals to maintain focus and complete tasks promptly.

Understanding Procrastination

Psychology Behind Procrastination

The psychology behind procrastination is complex and multifaceted. One contributing factor is the fear of failure, as individuals may procrastinate to avoid encountering negative outcomes or criticism. Lack of motivation, poor time management skills, and perfectionism are other psychological elements that can lead to procrastination.

Science of Procrastination

The science behind procrastination is rooted in our brain chemistry. Two significant brain structures play a role in this behaviour: the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for decision-making, planning, and self-control, while the limbic system is associated with emotions, reward, and pleasure. Procrastination occurs when the limbic system overrides the decision-making abilities of the prefrontal cortex, prioritising short-term pleasure and rewards over long-term goals and objectives.

Neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin also influence our tendency to procrastinate. Dopamine is responsible for motivation, reward, and pleasure, while serotonin regulates mood, appetite, and sleep. Imbalances in these neurotransmitters can contribute to procrastination, as individuals may struggle with motivation, self-control, and focus.

Genetics and Procrastination

Research suggests that genetics affect an individual’s likelihood of procrastinating. Studies have identified specific gene variants associated with dopamine regulation that may contribute to procrastination tendencies. Additionally, traits such as impulsivity and conscientiousness, which are influenced by genetics, can impact an individual’s propensity to procrastinate.

It is important to note that genetic influences do not guarantee or predetermine procrastination behaviours. Environmental factors and personal experiences also significantly contribute to developing procrastination patterns. Understanding the factors that contribute to procrastination can aid in developing effective strategies to overcome this behaviour and improve overall productivity and wellbeing.

focusing mind paperwork girl ginger

Impact of Procrastination 

Personal Consequences 

Procrastination can lead to various negative consequences on an individual’s personal life. Chronic procrastination is commonly associated with guilt and stress, as individuals continuously delay important tasks and face the repercussions of their actions. 

Moreover, procrastination can significantly affect one’s mental and physical health. Studies have shown a correlation between chronic procrastination and an increased risk of hypertension and other stress-related health issues. Mental health can also suffer, as consistent delays in completing tasks may contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety. 

Professional Implications 

The impact of procrastination extends beyond personal wellbeing, as it also affects one’s professional life. Consistently delaying tasks and projects can lead to decreased productivity, which may cause job dissatisfaction, poor performance reviews, or even job loss. 

Moreover, the inability to complete tasks promptly can harm professional relationships, as colleagues and supervisors may perceive the procrastinator as unreliable or lazy. This perception can hinder one’s career progress and limit opportunities for growth within their field. 

Psychological Reasons for Procrastination 

Role of Emotions 

Procrastination can often be attributed to our emotional states. Negative emotions, such as anxiety, shame, and self-doubt, can lead to avoidance behaviours. When faced with a task that elicits these emotions, our natural response might be to put it off, creating a cycle of procrastination that can be difficult to break. Additionally, the temporary relief we experience from avoiding the task further reinforces the habit of procrastination. 

Fear Factors 

Another psychological reason for procrastination is fear. In particular, fear of failure can significantly deter starting or completing a task. An individual might be overwhelmed by the possibility of not meeting expectations, leading them to avoid the task altogether. This fear can manifest as self-doubt and anxiety, negatively impacting self-control and hindering the ability to take action. 

The Paradox of Perfectionism 

Perfectionism might seem like a positive trait at first glance, but it can actually contribute to procrastination. The desire to create a perfect outcome can lead to unrealistic expectations and excessive self-criticism. Consequently, a person may stall on a task for fear that the end result will not meet their high standards. This paradox of perfectionism highlights the need to recognise and address unhelpful thoughts and beliefs about performance. 

The Busy Phenomenon 

Lastly, the busy phenomenon, where people feel too busy to dedicate time to essential tasks, can result in procrastination. For instance, they might misguidedly focus on less important tasks—providing a false sense of accomplishment—while relegating the more critical tasks to constant delay. Breaking this pattern requires consciously reorganising priorities and tackling the most significant tasks, even if they evoke negative emotions or fears. 

The Effect of Distractions in Procrastination 

Technological Distractions 

In today’s world, technology plays a significant role in our lives, offering countless benefits. However, it can also contribute to procrastination by providing numerous distractions. For example, social media platforms like Facebook can easily divert one’s attention from more important tasks. People often find themselves scrolling through their news feeds or engaging in online conversations when they should be focusing on their work or study commitments. 

Smartphones, with their multitude of apps, notifications, and easily accessible entertainment options, can make it particularly challenging to stay on track. Video games, streaming services, and instant messaging also offer constant temptations to procrastinate. Setting boundaries, such as specific times of the day dedicated to using devices or turning off notifications during focused work periods, is crucial to cope with these technological distractions. 

Social Distractions 

Aside from technology, social distractions can also hinder productivity and contribute to procrastination. Spending time with friends or family, attending social events, or engaging in conversations can sometimes take precedence over more pressing responsibilities. Individuals might sometimes seek out social interactions to escape their tasks or alleviate stress, inadvertently allowing procrastination to take hold. 

Peer pressure can also play a role in procrastination, as individuals may adopt the habits of their social group. For example, if friends frequently engage in leisure activities instead of working, it can be difficult to resist joining. To minimise the impact of social distractions, it’s essential to communicate your goals and priorities to those around you and potentially seek out like-minded individuals who share similar commitments. 

By understanding the role of technological and social distractions, it’s possible to mitigate their impact and reduce procrastination. Developing strategies to manage these distractions and maintain focus on the task at hand can significantly improve productivity and overall wellbeing. 

Methods to Overcome Procrastination 

Taking Action 

To overcome procrastination, one must begin by taking action. Break tasks into smaller, manageable parts and start working on them. Initiating action allows the individual to build momentum, making it easier to maintain motivation and progress. Building a habit of consistently starting tasks helps develop self-regulation and strengthens willpower. 

Variety Is The Spice of Life 

Incorporating variety into daily routines can help avoid the monotony that often leads to procrastination. Alternating between tasks or working on a few tasks simultaneously can improve engagement, thus reducing the urge to delay action. 

  • Mix tasks: Combine both enjoyable and less enjoyable tasks to maintain motivation. 
  • Interleave: Varying activities or working on multiple projects can boost productivity. 

Setting Goals 

Setting clear, achievable goals is essential to overcoming procrastination. Goals help guide actions and improve motivation by providing a clear path toward progress. 

  • Short-term: Set smaller targets to reduce the overwhelming nature of larger tasks. 
  • Long-term: Define overarching objectives to keep the bigger picture in mind. 
  • SMART goals: Ensure that goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. 

Building Systems 

Developing effective systems can help increase consistency and minimise the consequences of procrastination. Some strategies include: 

  • Task management: Utilise tools such as to-do lists, calendars, or digital applications to organise and track tasks. 
  • Prioritisation: Rank tasks in importance and urgency to establish a clear order of completion. 
  • Routine: Establish a daily routine to build habits that support goal achievement. 

Your Environment Matters 

The environment plays a significant role in influencing productivity and combating procrastination. Creating an environment that encourages focus and minimises distractions can help foster a stable mindset for taking action on tasks. Some points to consider include: 

  • Workspaces: Designate a specific area for work that is free of distractions. 
  • Comfort: Ensure the workspace is comfortable and conducive to concentration. 
  • Tools: Equip the workspace with the necessary resources to facilitate efficient task completion. 

The Power of Visual Cues and Lists 

Creating Effective Lists 

One of the best ways to combat procrastination and increase productivity is lists. Lists help individuals organise their thoughts and tasks, providing a clear path towards accomplishing goals. When creating lists, consider the following steps: 

  1. Organise tasks by priority: Identify and place the most important tasks at the top. This ensures that the most critical tasks are attended to first. 
  2. Break down large tasks into smaller, manageable subtasks: By doing so, seemingly overwhelming tasks become more achievable, reducing the likelihood of procrastination. 
  3. Set realistic deadlines: Determine reasonable timeframes for completing tasks, taking into account other commitments and potential distractions. 
  4. Review and update regularly: Keep the list up-to-date by crossing off completed tasks and adding new ones when necessary. 

Using Visual Cues 

In addition to lists, incorporating visual cues into one’s daily routine can help maintain focus and encourage taking action. Visual cues are constant reminders of the tasks that must be completed, directing attention towards those tasks rather than distractions. 

  • Display task list: Place the list of tasks in a visible area, such as on a bulletin board or the desktop background. This provides a constant reminder of the tasks that need to be addressed. 
  • Use colour coding: Assign different colours to tasks based on priority or type. This helps quickly identify essential tasks and makes the list more enjoyable to engage with. 
  • Set-up notifications: Utilise digital tools, like mobile applications or computer software, to send reminders or notifications for upcoming deadlines. This helps in staying on track with time-sensitive tasks. 
  • Create visual progress charts: Track progress towards long-term goals using charts or graphs. Visual representation of progress can motivate and provide instant gratification, increasing the likelihood of committing to tasks. 

By implementing visual cues and well-structured lists into one’s daily routine, it is possible to overcome procrastination and reach peak productivity. 

Join the Workshop

Discover the power of defeating procrastination with the 5 step method as we guide you through a journey of intervention, detox, and focus. By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you’ll unlock a higher level of productivity, gain control over your schedule, and experience a boost in overall wellbeing.

In just 90 minutes, you’ll gain proven strategies to conquer procrastination, manage your time effectively, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Enjoy a complimentary 15-minute private coaching session to tailor these techniques to your unique goals.

Seize this opportunity – your future self will thank you. Use promo code LI15OFF and secure your spot today

Understanding and Overcoming Time Inconsistency

Present Bias

Time inconsistency is a significant factor causing procrastination. It involves bias towards the present self over the future self. Present bias refers to the tendency to value immediate rewards over long-term rewards, often choosing instant gratification at the expense of future goals. This bias leads to difficulties in achieving long-term rewards and maintaining physical health, as individuals may indulge in unhealthy habits to satisfy their present desires.

It is crucial to recognise this tendency and implement strategies that help balance short-term and long-term goals to overcome present bias. For example, using tools like deadlines and breaking larger tasks into smaller steps can make it easier to resist the allure of instant gratification.

Hyperbolic Discounting 

Hyperbolic discounting is a psychological phenomenon related to time inconsistency and procrastination. It refers to how individuals value rewards, with a preference for those available in the immediate future. This discounting is inconsistent over time, leading people to make decisions they may regret later. Hyperbolic discounting shapes one’s preferences and priorities, causing procrastination as individuals choose seemingly smaller rewards in the short term over more significant gains in the future. 

To address hyperbolic discounting, individuals can employ strategies to alter their mindset and maintain focus on long-term rewards. This may include setting goals with clear, measurable milestones, revisiting the rationale behind one’s actions, and reframing the broader picture to better align with one’s objectives. Additionally, fostering self-discipline and creating supportive environments can further help mitigate the impact of hyperbolic discounting on decision-making. 

Individuals can develop healthier habits and increase their productivity by understanding and addressing time inconsistency. Developing strategies that help balance immediate gratification with long-term goals will improve personal success and enhance physical health and overall wellbeing.

Detailed Study of Chronic Procrastinators 

Chronic procrastinators consistently engage in self-defeating behaviour by delaying tasks, often to the point where the consequences become overwhelming. In this section, we explore the characteristics of chronic procrastinators, factors that contribute to their procrastination habits, and strategies to overcome this behaviour. 

Chronic procrastinators tend to exhibit certain traits that set them apart from others who only occasionally procrastinate. These individuals often struggle with: 

  • Decision-making: They may struggle to make decisions or prioritise tasks, leading to delays in starting or completing their work. 
  • Perfectionism: They may hold unrealistic expectations for themselves and be overly concerned with doing things perfectly, creating anxiety and procrastination. 
  • Fear of failure: Chronic procrastinators may avoid tasks or activities due to the fear of being unable to meet expectations or succeed. 

Several factors contribute to the development of chronic procrastination, and understanding these factors can be helpful in addressing the issue. Some common factors include: 

  • Lack of motivation: Chronic procrastinators may struggle to find the motivation needed to complete tasks, particularly when they are not intrinsically rewarding or enjoyable. 
  • Distraction: They may be easily sidetracked by other activities or distractions, making it difficult to focus and stay on task. 
  • Poor time management: They may struggle to manage their time effectively, leading to delays and missed deadlines. 

To overcome chronic procrastination, it is essential first to identify the underlying causes and address them directly. Some strategies that may be helpful for chronic procrastinators include: 

  • Setting realistic goals: Breaking tasks down into smaller, manageable steps can make them seem less overwhelming and provide a clearer path towards completion. 
  • Developing effective time management skills: Chronic procrastinators can ensure they devote adequate time and effort to their work by learning to manage time effectively and prioritising tasks. 
  • Addressing perfectionism: Encouraging self-compassion and accepting that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process can help chronic procrastinators to let go of the need for perfection and focus on making progress. 
  • Seeking professional support: In some cases, it may be beneficial for chronic procrastinators to seek professional help, such as counselling or therapy, to address underlying anxiety, self-esteem, or other emotional factors. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are the main causes of procrastination? 

Procrastination has several causes, including fear of failure, self-doubt, and perfectionism. Additionally, distractions and lack of motivation contribute to this behaviour. Research also shows that extended periods of inactivity and unfavourable working environments can lead to procrastination. 

How can one overcome procrastination using science-backed methods?

 To overcome procrastination, implement time-management techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique, which can increase productivity. Also, break large tasks into smaller, manageable parts and set achievable deadlines. Creating routines, setting boundaries, and removing distractions can also support overcoming procrastination. 

What role does motivation play in dealing with procrastination? 

Motivation is crucial in dealing with procrastination, as it instils a sense of purpose and direction. A person’s intrinsic motivation, or personal satisfaction, can drive success. Additionally, extrinsic motivation, such as rewards or recognition, encourages individuals to complete tasks and bypass procrastination. 

How effective is the 5-minute rule in combating procrastination? 

The 5-minute rule, which encourages initiating a task for a minimum of five minutes, can effectively combat procrastination. This technique allows individuals to overcome the initial barrier of starting an activity. Upon starting the task, individuals often find they will continue working for longer periods. 

What tools or strategies can help overcome morning procrastination?

Establish a morning routine and prepare to-do lists the night before to combat morning procrastination. Also, consider exercising or engaging in other stimulating activities to increase energy and motivation. Designating a workspace free of distractions is another helpful strategy. 

How does understanding the psychology behind procrastination help in overcoming it? 

Understanding the psychology behind procrastination enables individuals to identify triggers and develop tailored solutions to overcome the behaviour. Recognising personal tendencies and behaviours can help individuals rewire their thinking and habits, improving productivity and reducing procrastination. 

Join the Workshop

Discover the power of defeating procrastination with the 5 step method as we guide you through a journey of intervention, detox, and focus. By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you’ll unlock a higher level of productivity, gain control over your schedule, and experience a boost in overall wellbeing.

In just 90 minutes, you’ll gain proven strategies to conquer procrastination, manage your time effectively, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Enjoy a complimentary 15-minute private coaching session to tailor these techniques to your unique goals.

Seize this opportunity – your future self will thank you. Use promo code LI15OFF and secure your spot today

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Tammy Whalen Blake

Tammy Whalen Blake

Founder of go to yellow
Personal Development Coach

Hear what others have to say...

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Managing the Stress Bucket: Effective Strategies for Reducing Stress Levels

Stress Bucket Model

Redefining Success | Resorting Life Balance

Managing the Stress Bucket: Effective Strategies for Reducing Stress Levels

Managing stress is a crucial part of maintaining our overall health and wellbeing. It affects us all at some point in our lives, whether due to work pressures, relationship troubles, money commitments, lack of sleep, bad health, or any other reasons. The stress bucket is a helpful way to conceptualise how stress builds up over time and how we can take steps to manage it.

Unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as overeating, drinking, or using drugs, may provide temporary relief but ultimately contribute to the stress bucket. It’s important to recognise and address these patterns and instead focus on healthy ways to reduce stress. This can include building healthy relationships, resting and sleeping, honouring core values, living our truth, and practising mindfulness.

By managing our stress bucket, we can improve our overall health and wellbeing, and live more fulfilling lives. This article will explore the stress bucket in more detail and provide practical tips for reducing stress and improving our coping mechanisms.

Understanding Stress

Stress is a common experience that affects us all. It can come from many sources, including work pressures, relationship troubles, money commitments, lack of sleep, and bad health. Stress can be defined as the body’s response to a perceived threat or challenge. When we feel stressed, our bodies release hormones that prepare us for the ‘fight or flight’ response. This can lead to physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, sweating, and muscle tension.

Types of Stress

There are two types of stress: acute stress and chronic stress. Acute stress is a short-term response to a specific event, such as a job interview or a car accident. Chronic stress, on the other hand, is a long-term response to ongoing stressors, such as work-related stress or financial worries.

Causes of Stress

Various factors, including work pressures, relationship troubles, money commitments, lack of sleep, and inadequate health, can cause stress. Work-related stress, for example, can be caused by long hours, heavy workloads, and a lack of control over work tasks. Relationship troubles can cause stress when conflict or a lack of communication occurs. Financial worries can cause stress when there are debts to be paid or a lack of job security.

It’s essential to recognise the causes of stress in our lives so that we can take steps to manage it effectively. Ignoring stress can lead to physical and mental health problems, such as high blood pressure, anxiety, and depression.

Introducing The Stress Bucket

Explanation of the Model

Stress Bucket

The Stress Bucket is a helpful tool for understanding and managing stress. It is based on the idea that everyone has a metaphorical bucket which contains their stress. The bucket represents our capacity for handling stressors. The greater our vulnerability, whether because of mental illness or anything else, the fuller our bucket is. When we’re well, we’ve got an emptier bucket. Stress pours in the bucket during the day as water is poured into the top. If the bucket overflows past the overwhelm stage, we can experience adverse effects such as feeling burnt out, low and tearful.

How to Identify Your Stressors

To reduce our stress levels, we need to identify what is causing stress and what can be done to reduce it. We can identify our stressors by keeping a stress journal. In the journal, we can record the times when we feel stressed, the situations that trigger our stress, and our emotional and physical reactions to stress. We can also identify our stressors by paying attention to our body’s responses to stress. Everyday stressors include work pressures, relationship troubles, money commitments, lack of sleep, and bad health. Regularly check in with yourself and make it a daily habit for improved self-awareness.

How to Measure Your Stress Levels

To measure our stress levels, we can use a stress scale. A stress scale helps us measure our stress levels and identify the stressors causing us the most stress. The scale usually involves rating the intensity of our stress on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high). We can also use a physical stress test to measure our stress levels – some digital watches can measure stress levels. This involves measuring our heart rate. You can also measure blood pressure and other physical responses to stress.

By identifying our stressors and measuring our stress levels, we can reduce our stress levels and improve our wellbeing. 

The solution to reducing the stress bucket is healthy relationships, resting and sleeping, honouring core values, living your truth, and mindfulness. It’s important to avoid unhealthy coping mechanisms that appear helpful but aren’t, such as alcohol or drugs. Using the Stress Bucket, we can take control of our stress levels and improve our mental, emotional and physical health.

Strategies for Reducing Stress

Many strategies for reducing stress can help keep your stress bucket from overflowing. Ideally, we remain in the content zone but may find ourselves in the other zones at any given time. When this happens, the following strategies can be applied. 

  • Regular exercise
  • Meditation and mindfulness practices
  • Deep breathing exercises
  • Yoga or stretching
  • Spending time in nature
  • Listening to calming music
  • Time away from sensory overload – this could include people, sounds, bright lights, noise and smells

Building Resilience

Building resilience is an integral part of managing your stress bucket. Resilience helps you bounce back from stressful situations and cope with adversity. Some ways to build resilience include:

  • Developing a strong support network of family and friends
  • Honouring your core values and beliefs
  • Living your truth and being authentic
  • Practising self-care and self-compassion
  • Learning to manage your emotions and thoughts

Creating a Stress Management Plan

Creating a stress management plan can help you stay on track with managing your stress bucket. Here are some steps to creating a stress management plan:

  1. Identify your stress triggers
  2. Set realistic goals for stress reduction
  3. Develop a plan for managing stress when it arises
  4. Track your progress and adjust your plan as needed

It is important to remember that unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as substance abuse or avoidance, may provide temporary relief but can ultimately make your stress bucket overflow. Instead, focus on healthy coping mechanisms and strategies for reducing stress. By building resilience and creating a stress management plan, we can manage our stress bucket and maintain good mental health.

Bringing it to life

Let’s dive into each and give an example of previous Go To Yellow clients’ Stress Bucket journal entries with the solution to prevent burnout.

Example #1 Work pressures

Mary had worked in a high-pressure job as a marketing manager for a large corporation for over five years. Despite her experience, she struggled to keep up with the demands of her job, as her workload seemed to increase every week. She was constantly working long hours and weekends to meet deadlines, and the stress was starting to take a toll on her health.

One day, she was assigned a critical project that required her to work late nights and weekends. Despite her best efforts, she couldn’t make any progress. In her journal entry, she noticed she was exhausted, burnt out, and felt like she was letting her team down. She started to lose confidence in her abilities, and her anxiety levels skyrocketed. Mary identified her stressors due to not asking for help, as she felt she needed to be in control.

Eventually, Mary realised she needed to step back and ask for help. She spoke to her supervisor, who was understanding and supportive. Together, they worked out a plan to delegate some of her workloads and provide her with the necessary resources and support to complete the project on time.

With her team’s help, Mary could deliver the project successfully, and she learned the importance of asking for help when needed. She also started prioritising self-care, taking breaks when needed, and making time for exercise and relaxation.

Example #2 Money commitments

John was a recent college graduate who landed his first software engineering position. He was finally excited to have a steady income and was looking forward to paying off his student loans and saving for his future. However, he soon realised that he had underestimated the cost of living in his new city, and his salary needed to be higher to cover his expenses.

John took on a second job, working weekends at a local restaurant to make ends meet. Despite the extra income, he struggled to pay his bills, and his stress levels were high. A regular journal entry showed that he was constantly worried about paying rent and paying off his debts.

As the months went by, John realised that he needed to take control of his finances. He created a budget and started tracking his expenses, cutting back on unnecessary purchases, and looking for ways to increase his income. He also contacted a financial advisor who helped him create a plan to pay off his debts and start saving for his future.

With a clear plan, John felt more in control of his finances and less stressed about money. He reduced his second job to part-time and found time to pursue hobbies and social life – this further helped him remove some stress from his bucket. He learned that managing his finances required discipline and planning, but having a sense of financial security and peace of mind was worth it.

Example #3 Relationship troubles

Amy had been in a long-term relationship with her partner Tom for several years. However, recently they have been arguing more frequently and struggling to communicate effectively. Amy felt like they were drifting apart, and the stress was starting to take a toll on her mental and emotional health.

She tried to talk to Tom about their problems, but they always seemed to end up in heated arguments, with neither of them listening to the other. Amy felt like she was stuck in a rut and didn’t know what to do to fix their relationship. Her journal entry has a repetitive occurrence. It was evident that her relationship stressor was filling up her bucket frequently.

Eventually, she sought help from a therapist who specialised in couples counselling. With the help of the therapist, Amy and Tom could identify the root causes of their problems and work on communication skills that helped them express their feelings more constructively.

Amy also realised that she needed to better care of herself and her own needs, so she started to prioritise self-care and took up hobbies that brought her joy and relaxation. She didn’t need to put her expectations on Tom but rather manage her needs herself.

Over time, Amy and Tom rebuilt their relationship and felt closer and more connected than ever before. They learned that relationships require effort and compromise and that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Example #4 Lack of sleep and resting

David was a busy executive who worked long hours and had a lot of responsibilities. He often worked late into the night and found it difficult to switch off and relax. As a result, he was getting less and less sleep each night, affecting his performance at work and overall wellbeing.

Doing a daily body assessment, he journaled his physiological reactions as he was irritable and moody, and his productivity suffered. He knew he needed to change his lifestyle but needed to figure out where to start.

Eventually, David listened to podcasts from a sleep specialist who gave tips and tools to improve sleep hygiene. He prioritised his sleep by establishing a regular bedtime routine, avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed, and creating a calm and comfortable sleeping environment.

He also learned to set work boundaries and prioritise rest and relaxation. He started to take breaks during the day to go for walks, practice meditation, and spend time with his family and friends.

Over time, David felt more energised, focused, and productive. He realised that taking care of himself was not only good for his own wellbeing, but also for his performance at work. He learned that rest and relaxation are essential to a healthy and happy life and that taking a break and recharging when needed is okay.

Example #5 Diagnosed with an illness

Samantha had always been health-conscious, but she was recently diagnosed with a chronic illness that left her Stress Bucket feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. She struggled to manage her symptoms and daily routine, and the stress affected her mental and emotional health.

She felt like her illness was taking over her life, and she was constantly worried about her future and the impact on her career and relationships.

However, Samantha decided to take control of her health by seeking help from a team of medical professionals who helped her to manage her symptoms and create a treatment plan that worked for her. She also started to prioritise self-care by practising meditation, yoga, and mindfulness exercises that helped her to manage her stress levels.

She also reached out to support groups and online communities where she could connect with others going through similar experiences, which helped her feel less alone and more supported.

Over time, Samantha learned to live with her illness and found ways to adapt her lifestyle and routines to manage her symptoms. She also learned the importance of prioritising her mental and emotional health and took steps to address any anxiety or depression related to her illness.

Despite the challenges, Samantha found new ways to enjoy life and pursued her passions, building a sense of purpose and fulfilment beyond her illness. She learned that even in the face of adversity, living a happy and fulfilling life with the proper support and mindset is possible.

Ready to take control of your life and achieve greater well-being?

If your stress bucket is full, know that you’re not alone – it is more common than you think. These challenges can take a toll on your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing, and it’s important to take proactive steps to address them.

If you’re ready to take control of your life and achieve greater focus, productivity, energy, self-esteem, and confidence, consider scheduling a free discovery call.

We can together to clarify your life direction, set achievable goals, and develop a customised plan to address your specific needs and challenges. The Go To Yellow coaching programs provide accountability, support, and motivation to help you stay on track and achieve your goals without a full stress bucket.

So, take the first step towards a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life by scheduling a free discovery call today. You deserve to live a life that brings you joy, purpose, and fulfilment, and Go To Yellow can help you get there.

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Tammy Whalen Blake

Tammy Whalen Blake

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Unlocking the secret: the vital difference between mental illness and brain health

Yellow brain

Redefining Success | Resorting Life Balance

Unlocking the Secret: The Vital Difference Between Mental Illness and Brain Health!

As we continue to learn more about the complexities of the human brain, the distinction between mental illness and brain health becomes increasingly important. While the two are often used interchangeably, they refer to different aspects of our mental wellbeing. Mental illness is a condition that affects a person’s thinking, feeling, or behaviour and may interfere with their ability to function in daily life. Brain health, on the other hand, refers to the overall health and functioning of the brain, including its ability to process information, regulate emotions, and maintain physical health.

Understanding the difference between mental illness and brain health is crucial for anyone seeking to improve their mental wellbeing. While mental illness is a specific condition that requires treatment, brain health is something that everyone can work to improve. This can include regular exercise, a healthy diet, and engaging in mentally stimulating activities such as reading or puzzles.

It is important to note that mental illness and brain health are not mutually exclusive. A person with a mental illness can still have good brain health and vice versa. We can work towards a healthier, happier life by focusing on both aspects of our mental wellbeing.

What is Mental Illness?

When discussing mental illness, we refer to a wide range of mental health conditions that affect our mood, thinking, and behaviour. According to Dr. Amen, a renowned psychiatrist, mental illness can be caused by genetics, brain chemistry, and life experiences.

Symptoms of Mental Illness

Some common symptoms of mental illness include:

  • Feeling sad or down
  • Excessive worry or fear
  • Extreme mood changes
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Withdrawal from friends and activities
  • Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms, seeking help from a qualified mental health professional is important.

Types of Mental Illness

There are many types of mental illness, each with its own symptoms and treatment options. Some common types of mental illness include:

Table of mental health

It is important to remember that mental illness is a treatable condition. With the help of qualified professionals like Dr. Uma Naidoo, a psychiatrist and nutrition specialist, and a combination of medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes, people with mental illness can lead happy and fulfilling lives.

What is Brain Health?

When we talk about brain health, we are referring to the overall wellbeing of our brain. This includes its structure, function, and ability to perform daily tasks. A healthy brain is essential for good mental health, cognitive function, and overall quality of life.

Factors that Affect Brain Health

Several factors can affect brain health, including:

  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Sleep
  • Stress
  • Environmental toxins

According to Dr. Amen, a renowned psychiatrist and brain health expert, “The food you eat, the air you breathe, the thoughts you think, and the toxins you’re exposed to all affect your brain.”

Dr. Uma Naidoo, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and nutrition expert, emphasises the importance of a healthy diet for brain health. She states that “the food we eat has a direct impact on our brain function, including our mood, memory, and cognitive abilities.”

Importance of Brain Health

Having good brain health is crucial for our overall wellbeing. A healthy brain allows us to think, make good decisions, and easily perform daily tasks. It also helps us to maintain good mental health and prevent cognitive decline as we age.

By taking care of our brain health through a healthy diet, regular exercise, and other lifestyle factors, we can improve our mental and physical health and live a happier, more fulfilling life.

The Difference between Mental Illness and Brain Health

When it comes to mental health, there is often confusion between mental illness and brain health. While they are related, they are not the same thing. Mental illness refers to conditions that affect a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, or behaviour. At the same time, brain health is being free from disease or damage and having optimal cognitive, emotional, and social functioning.

How Mental Illness Affects Brain Health

Mental illness can have a significant impact on brain health. According to Dr. Amen, a renowned psychiatrist and brain health expert, mental health disorders can cause changes in brain function and structure, leading to long-term damage if left untreated. For example, depression has been linked to a decrease in the size of the hippocampus, a part of the brain responsible for memory and learning.

Furthermore, mental illness can also affect neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers in the brain that regulate mood, behaviour, and cognition. Imbalances in neurotransmitters can lead to various mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.

How to Maintain Good Brain Health

While mental illness can have a negative impact on brain health, there are steps we can take to maintain good brain health. According to Dr. Uma Naidoo, a nutritional psychiatrist, a healthy diet is essential for optimal brain function. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats can provide the nutrients and antioxidants needed to protect the brain from damage and promote healthy brain function.

Regular exercise is also important for brain health. Exercise has been shown to increase blood flow to the brain, promote the growth of new brain cells, and improve cognitive function. Additionally, getting enough sleep, managing stress, and engaging in activities that challenge the brain, such as learning a new skill or playing a musical instrument, can also help maintain good brain health.

Overall, while mental illness and brain health are not the same things, they are closely related. Maintaining good brain health can reduce the risk of developing mental health disorders and promote overall wellbeing.


After extensive research and analysis, we have concluded that mental illness and brain health are two distinct concepts often misunderstood and conflated.

While mental illness refers to a range of conditions that affect a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, or behaviour, brain health encompasses the overall wellbeing of the brain, including its structure, function, and performance.

It is important to note that mental illness is not a result of poor brain health or a sign of weakness or personal failure. Rather, mental illness is a complex and multifaceted condition that can arise from various factors, including genetic predisposition, environmental stressors, and traumatic life experiences.

As Dr. Amen and Dr. Uma Naidoo have noted, taking care of our brain health is essential for maintaining our overall physical and mental wellbeing. This includes adopting healthy lifestyle habits, such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and seeking professional help when necessary.

By understanding the difference between mental illness and brain health, we can better appreciate the complexity of the human brain and the importance of taking care of it. Let us strive to promote brain health and destigmatise mental illness, so that we can all lead happier, healthier lives.

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Tammy Whalen Blake

Tammy Whalen Blake

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Transform Your Life with Journaling


Redefining Success | Resorting Life Balance

Transform Your Life with Journaling: The Power of Putting Pen to Paper

Have you ever felt like your life is going by too quickly? Or you’ve felt like you’re not progressing towards your goals. Perhaps you’re feeling overwhelmed with your thoughts and emotions and don’t know how to manage them. Journaling is the solution you need.

Journaling is a simple and effective tool that can help you transform your life. You gain clarity and insight into your life by putting your thoughts and feelings down on paper. It helps you to identify patterns, understand your emotions, and track your progress towards your goals. Journaling has been proven to have countless benefits on mental health, including reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.

But journaling isn’t just about writing down your thoughts and feelings. It’s about reflecting on your experiences and learning from them. It’s about setting intentions for your future and taking actionable steps towards achieving them. Whether you want to improve your mental health, gain clarity in your life, or become more self-aware, journaling can help you get there.

Benefits of Journaling

Journaling is a powerful tool that can help you transform your life. It has numerous benefits can improve your mental health, enhance your creativity, and increase your self-awareness. Here are some of the benefits of journaling:

Improved Mental Health

Journaling can help reduce stress and anxiety by providing a safe space to express your thoughts and feelings. It can also help you identify negative thought patterns and replace them with more positive ones. Writing down your worries and concerns can help you process them and solve problems. Studies have shown that journaling can improve sleep, boost mood, and reduce symptoms of depression.

Enhanced Creativity

Journaling can help you tap into your creativity by providing a space to brainstorm, explore ideas, and experiment with new writing styles. It can help create space in your mind by decluttering any worries. Writing prompts can help you generate new ideas and break out of creative blocks. Journaling can also help you develop your writing skills and find your voice.

Better Self-Awareness

Journaling can help you better understand yourself by providing a space to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Writing about your goals, values, and beliefs can help you clarify your priorities and make decisions that align with your values. Journaling can also help you track your progress and celebrate your accomplishments.

For example, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, write down all the things that are causing you stress. Seeing them on paper can help you prioritise and devise a plan to tackle them individually. It’s like cleaning out a closet. Just as you might sort through your clothes and decide what to keep and donate, journaling can help you sort through your thoughts and decide what to keep and let go of.

Types of Journaling

Journaling is a powerful tool that can help you transform your life. There are many different types of journaling, each with its remarkable benefits. Let’s explore some of the most popular types of journaling.

Gratitude Journaling

Gratitude journaling involves writing down things that you are grateful for each day. This type of journaling can help you focus on the positive aspects of your life and cultivate a more positive outlook. Studies have shown that practising gratitude can lead to increased happiness and wellbeing.

For example, you might write things like “I am grateful for my legs so I can explore the world” or “I am grateful for my supportive friend, Hannah. She offers a shoulder to cry on when I am now.” By focusing on what you are specifically thankful for, you can shift your attention away from negative thoughts and feelings.

Gratitude journaling is like planting seeds of positivity in your mind. By regularly acknowledging the good things in your life, you can cultivate a more positive mindset that will help you navigate challenges more effectively.

Bullet Journaling

Bullet journaling is a type of journaling that involves using symbols and short-form notes to keep track of tasks, goals, and other important information. This type of journaling can help you stay organised and focused, especially if you have a busy schedule.

For example, you might use symbols like a dot to indicate a task that needs to be completed or an arrow to indicate that a task has been moved to a different day. By using symbols and short-form notes, you can quickly and easily keep track of important information. Ideal for those visual learners.

Think of bullet journaling as creating a personal roadmap for your life. By setting goals and tracking your progress, you can stay on track and make progress towards the things that are most important to you.

Reflective Journaling

Reflective journaling is next level and can transform your life in ways never thought possible. It involves writing down your thoughts and feelings about your experiences. This type of journaling can help you gain insight into your thoughts and behaviours and can be especially helpful if you are trying to make positive changes in your life. Even more helpful to reflect on them over time as you may have forgotten essential experiences when they’ve shown up again later in life. All the stored information will help you gather deeper insights into your patterns.

For example, you might write about a challenging situation and reflect on what you learned. By reflecting on your experiences, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your motivations. You can cross reference against similar experiences in your reflective journal.

It is like having a conversation with yourself on a deeper level. By writing down your thoughts and feelings, you can explore your inner world and gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

How to Start Journaling

Choose a Journal

The first step to journaling is choosing a journal that suits your needs. Many types of journals are available, from blank pages to guided journals. The choice is yours. Consider what you want to achieve with your journaling and choose a journal that aligns with your goals. You may prefer a smaller journal that you can carry with you or a larger one that allows for more writing space.

Set Aside Time

Setting aside time to journal is vital for making it a habit. Choose a time of day that works best for you, whether in the morning, during your lunch break, or before bed. Start with a few minutes each day and gradually increase the time as you become more comfortable with journaling. The most challenging time for journaling is the beginning – start small, and build it up.

Choose Your Location and Set The Scene

At Go To Yellow, we recommend having a Thinking Chair. A space that is not in your workspace or bedroom. You want all thoughts to flow and not workplace thoughts. Somewhere spacious and quiet to restrict distractions. Turn your phone on silent to be truly focused, and set a timer if you are not journaling for long enough – this will push you to go deeper into your thoughts before rushing to the next daily task. Some like coffee shops with just a book and pen. The choice is yours. 

Find Your Writing Style

There is no right or wrong way to journal. Experiment with different writing styles to find what works best for you. Some people prefer to write stream-of-consciousness, while others prefer to use prompts or guided exercises. Find a style that helps you express your thoughts and emotions.

For example, if you’re feeling stressed, write about what’s causing your stress and how it’s affecting you. Use your journal as a safe space to explore your feelings and work through any challenges you may be facing.

Journaling is like having a conversation with yourself. It allows you to reflect on your thoughts and feelings, gain insight into your behaviour, and track your progress over time.

I have sporadic thoughts that make little sense the first time. After spending plenty of time with my journal, I like to return to the same experience after a few days to allow new thoughts to flow. Over time it starts to make sense.

Journaling Prompts

Journaling is a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation. By putting your thoughts and feelings down on paper, you can gain clarity, insight, and understanding about yourself and your life. But sometimes, it can be hard to know where to start. That’s where journaling prompts come in. Here are some prompts to help you get started on your journaling journey:

Self-Discovery Prompts

Self-discovery prompts can help you explore your core values, beliefs, and identity. By reflecting on these topics, you can better understand yourself and what matters most to you. Here are some self-discovery prompts to try:

  • What matters most to me?
  • What are my strengths and weaknesses?
  • What are my biggest fears and concerns?
  • What are my proudest accomplishments?
  • What do I want to be remembered for?

Goal-Setting Prompts

Goal-setting prompts help you clarify your goals and create a plan for achieving them. You can create a more fulfilling and purposeful life by setting goals and taking action. Here are some goal-setting prompts to try:

  • What are my short-term and long-term goals?
  • What steps can I take to achieve my goals?
  • What obstacles might I experience, and how can I overcome them?
  • What resources do I need to achieve my goals?
  • How will I measure success?

Mindfulness Prompts

Mindfulness prompts can help you cultivate awareness and presence in the present moment. Mindfulness can reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance your overall wellbeing. Here are some mindfulness prompts to try:

  • What am I grateful for today?
  • What sensations do I notice in my body right now?
  • What thoughts are passing through my mind?
  • What emotions am I feeling?
  • What can I do to bring more mindfulness into my daily life?

Tips for Maintaining a Journaling Habit

Make it a Routine

One of the most effective ways to maintain a journaling habit is by making it a part of your daily routine. Set aside a specific time each day to sit down and write in your journal. This could be first thing in the morning, during your lunch break, or before bed. By making it a routine, you’ll be more likely to stick with it and make it a habit. It takes an average of 66 days to make a habit stick. Keep at it! Change doesn’t happen overnight. 

Write Freely

When writing in your journal, don’t worry about grammar, spelling, or punctuation. No judgement. Just write freely and let your thoughts flow onto the page. Don’t worry about making it perfect or even making sense. The purpose is to get your thoughts and feelings out of your head and onto the page.

For example, start by writing about how your day went, what you’re grateful for, or what’s been on your mind lately. The more you write, the easier it will become to express yourself and write your thoughts down.

Don’t Judge Your Writing

It’s important to remember that your journal is for your eyes only. Don’t worry about what others think of your writing or whether it’s good enough. The intent is to use journaling as a tool for self-reflection and personal growth.

Think of your journal as a safe space to be completely honest and open with yourself. Just like how a caterpillar goes through a transformation in its cocoon, your journal is your cocoon where you can transform your thoughts and emotions into something beautiful.

"You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

Zig Ziglar

Need further help with personal development coaching? Get in touch. 

Book a no-obligation 30-minute call with Tammy Whalen Blake to discuss the best program for your personal development needs.

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Tammy Whalen Blake

Founder of go to yellow
Personal Development Coach

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What is personal development: A guide

two women podcasting

Redefining Success | Resorting Life Balance

What is personal development: the Guide

The personal development industry is one that always continues to grow. This makes sense because the need to self-develop and elevate has always been apparent to human beings. 

Dating to years, Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher who lived over 2000 years ago, is one of the founding fathers of modern personal development.

Today, we have many names of stature in the personal development industry spanning to and from different sub-niches, i.e. Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Human Resources, The arts, etc. 

In their ways, these industries combine to forge a vast personal development industry. This post will discuss personal development in depth. 

What is Personal Development?

Personal development is a lifelong personal journey. It is constantly assessing and adjusting how you live and how this adds to your overall satisfaction and success. 

Personal development spans different parts of a person’s life. For one person, it may be about defying weaknesses and maximising strengths. For another person, it may be about unlearning toxic behaviour and adopting new ones. 

In a work environment, personal development can be intentionally working on communication skills to become a better teammate or anything else necessary for such a space. 

Because the determining need to self-develop will differ from individual to individual, the outcome of personal development looks different for people. 

For one person, personal development is for the glory of gaining more confidence; being better at relationships; being an attractive work prospect, or simply leading a high-quality lifestyle.  

Whatever your course, you need to embark on your personal development journey with intention and map out why it’s of importance to you. 

Why is personal development important?

We estimate the personal development industry’s market size to be over 50 billion dollars. With this enormous sum, ask yourself what makes it so popular; or so important. I like to believe it is its importance that makes it popular. 

It goes back to what separates humans from animals. Humans are intelligent and emotional beings. The great capacity we possess in these respective areas comes at a price.

As we go through life, aware of our complex cognition and emotions, even more complexities come to be. And this is where personal development comes in. 

Committing to improving yourself and how you relate to your cognition and emotions helps you be attuned to the weaknesses and strengths that may affect these areas.

Though embarking on a personal development journey is a choice, people have an innate need to grow. When one feels like there’s a barrier between them and where they want to be; the automatic need to self-develop kicks in. 

In some ways, personal development nurtures your self-awareness and self-esteem and helps you adopt better ways to navigate your personal barriers. It is such an important thing because it is an ongoing attempt to be better. And this is a good thing for any individual.

How to identify your own Personal development areas? 

Since personal development is a personal journey one commits to for personal reasons, it is very important for each individual to identify their own personal development areas.

There are 5 areas of personal development, I.e. emotional, mental, social, spiritual and physical. 

No one area precedes the other because these areas can all affect each other. But ideally, start with mental development.

Your mental state can affect other development areas, both dramatically and perpetually. For example, physical exercises require physical strength and mental willpower to get into it. 

Social spaces can also trigger detrimental mental responses. But for someone who has trained themselves to respond accordingly to expected and unprecedented contexts, they have the mental strength to persevere.   

Also, for the sake of your mental well-being, you shouldn’t overwhelm yourself by committing to all these areas at the same time. Rather, be patient and realistic with yourself.

Ask yourself crucial questions before you start your journey.

  • Where do you excel?
  • Where do you struggle?
  • How do you feel about your life?
  • What goals are you aspiring for?
  • Are you better at professional or social relationships? 
  • Which self-development area is affecting other parts of your life?

Don’t be afraid to look at yourself as you are and make the best choices for yourself. 

Abraham Maslow’s self-actualisation

Self-actualisation is one theory that encourages addressing all your needs to fulfil your potential. According to Abraham Maslow, a humanistic psychologist, humans have an intrinsic need to develop and fulfil their potential in life. 

He asserts it is necessary for humans to develop their needs from the ground up, starting with physiological needs and with self-actualisation at the top. In between there’s safety & security, love & belonging and self-esteem. 

In its entirety, self-actualisation theory contends for basic needs and is inclusive of personal development areas. 

This is why we recommend following the self-actualisation pyramid to position oneself better to have the willpower to tackle personal development areas. As affirmed by Maslow, the need to develop our complex positions will typically be absent if we do not first meet our basic needs.  

According to Maslow, self-actualisation is the ultimate realisation that one can achieve anything set to mind. That co-occurs with a full appreciation of one’s life and its surroundings. 

Self-actualisation traits 

  • Autonomy and independence
  • Democratic character structure
  • Feelings of kinship and identification 
  • Accepting of others and yet true to self
  • Clear, efficient perception of reality
  • Have missions to complete outside of self
  • Detachment and need for healthy privacy 
  • Balance between polarities in personality 
  • Ethical discrimination between good and bad
  • Sense of appreciation and exuding gratitude
  • Philosophical non-hostile humour to others and self

Given the traits attributed to self-actualisation, intending to reach this stage is a good thing. 


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (1)

How to develop a personal development plan?

Your approach must also be thought through now that you understand personal development. You need to have a personal development plan. 

This plan will help you pick out areas you need to develop as well as the best approach for yourself; provided you don’t skip out on it. Starting with a swot analysis. 

Choose your development area and do a personal swot analysis

A personal swot analysis, much like a business swot analysis, is a method of identifying your strengths and weaknesses to best determine how to maximise and minimise them.

As an abbreviation, swot stands for:





By default, a personal analysis will ask questions concerned with one’s personal life. However, they are not limited to that.  

You want to use a personal swot analysis as a fundamental reference despite the personal development area you want to develop. 

Even in business, a personal swot analysis goes a long way because your success is always a direct reflection of your personal capacity and approach. 


  • What am I great at?
  • What value do I provide?
  • What do people like about me?
  • What resources do I have at my disposal?


  • What can I improve?
  • What am I missing that I need? 
  • What am I bad at compared to others?
  • What’s something that works against me?


  • What unmet demands can I satisfy?
  • What opportunities do I see for myself?
  • How can I apply my existing strengths?
  • What trends can I take advantage of as per the person I am?


  • What external forces work against me?
  • Do I have underlying issues that undermine my growth?
  • Am I in a position for my weaknesses to be exploited?
  • If I have any, are my competitors outperforming me?

In each slot, you may relate the questions to different things. It all comes down to where you are as an individual and the personal development area you plan to develop.

For example, if you are targeting mental development, the question “what’s something that works against me” will question a part of your life that strains your mental health. 

And if you’re developing your social area, that question would now be concerned with characteristics that fail your social relationships. 

Iron out your personal vision 

Once you know the personal development area you want to develop and complete a personal swot analysis around it, it’s time to map out what moving away from your current position to the one you inspire to be in looks like. 

“What does my personal vision look like, and who does it need me to be?”

A personal vision, which is just a fancy way of saying a vision statement, is a statement that declares what you want to achieve and the most idealistic position you want to assume in the long run.

Whether condensed or long, your personal vision should account for your values, strengths, and goals. Above all, your vision must be an achievable goal. 

This is a statement to always fall back to as a reminder of where exactly you’re going and perhaps be a motivation that keeps you going when the going goes tough. 

How to create a personal vision?

To make this process less complicated, you want to outline a few things and work according to them, starting with your strengths. 

STRENGTHS – What innate abilities do I possess?

  • What am I good at? 
  • Where do I compete better? 

VALUES – Think about the personal standard you hold yourself to

  • What are my non-negotiable values? 
  • What kind of person do I aspire to be? 
  • What is desirable and not desirable to me?

ACQUIRED SKILLS – What did I learn I am good at?

  • What skills have I learned in my life?
  • How can I use things I learned to my advantage? 
  • Do my skills make me favourable in any way? How?

ULTIMATE GOAL – Where do I want to be?

  • Where would I like to be? 
  • How do I want to change? 
  • What does my desired change look like?

PERSONAL VISION – What idealistic position do I want to be in?

  • What do I want to do on a day-to-day basis?
  • What does a perfect life look like for me?
  • When I narrow down options, which one do I want the most?

In the end, you will use answers to these questions to write your personal vision statement.

These questions will differ as per the reason you are developing yourself. For example, these questions will revolve around a chosen field if you’re developing your career. 

Develop a personal development mindset.

It takes an average of 66 days to make a new habit stick. Even after that, slacking just once can set you back to the beginning. With that said, you can imagine how outlining your personal development aspects is just the beginning. 

The tough part is committing to your plan and seeing it through. It is going to take some willpower and dedication. But with the following approach, you can do it. 

  • Break down your goals 

One big goal is scary. But that’s no reason for you to shy away from your wildest dreams. Instead, continue to target scary and overwhelming goals but break them down into small parts. This process helps you set smart goals. 

S- Smart, M- Measurable, A- Achievable, R- Relevant, T- Time-bound.

Imagine your goal as a long road trip. 

The 1st step for you to take would be to set up your dynamic and static ropes. Your dynamic rope, the one that will stretch and absorb the impact when you fall, is made of all the lessons, habits, and insight you gained when taking small steps toward your big goal.

The static rope, the efficient one that stretches a little to lower you and haul you up. This rope is all the small steps you’ll take to get to the big goal.

The static rope helps you to achieve short-term goals, while the dynamic rope anchors the long-term goal. 

Think of it this way. If your ultimate personal goal is to be a better mother, then learning to be  patient, better at communicating, and less distracted would be the small steps you need to take. 

If you want to build a business, separating milestones would be less overwhelming. For example, the 1st goal is to register the business before worrying about marketing. 

After this part, follow through with the next steps.

  • Set deadlines for each small goal you outline.
  • Be mindful of threats and opportunities
  • Delegate whatever you can 
  • Have a way to measure progress

Setting deadlines is important because you don’t want to be stuck on one small goal forever. Being mindful of threats and opportunities provides the needed flexibility to adapt and not despair when things change you. 

You should delegate if you can afford to and measure your progress to see how close or far off you are to the ultimate goal.  

Develop your personality to fit your goals

When I was a relatively bright student in secondary school, one of my teachers told me I would struggle with my studies in University because:

  1. No one chases you to do your work at university
  2. My playful and laid-back approach will work against me
  3. It will be hard to adapt my horrible working style to university demands

Despite my capabilities; he basically told me I was my worst enemy. Though in my case, he was wrong, people being their own worst enemies is not uncommon, and Dr. Brain R. Little affirmed this.  

In his acting out-of-character article, Dr. Brian R. Little, a Professor, author, and speaker, wrote about how your personality can work against your success. He emphasised the need to ‘act out of character’ for the sake of your success.  

“Human personality plays a striking and subtle role in shaping the course of our lives in the immortal profession. Arrogance, shyness, bounciness, and hundreds of other traits of personality influence how others see us and how we see ourselves. They have important consequences for the shape of our lives.”

Consider the big 5 personality traits as per contemporary psychology. Whichever you embody, they all have pros and cons. And the cons are the ones to adapt for the better if they work against you. 

  • Openness

People with this personality trait are imaginative, insightful, curious, eager to learn with a broad range of interests.

On the flip side, their openness can lead them down an overwhelming path as they take on more than they can handle.

  • Conscientiousness

People with this personality trait are thoughtful, goal-oriented, organised, and pretty much finish deadlines.

On the other hand, they can be perfectionists who struggle to work in fast-paced, changing environments.

  • Extraversion

People with this personality trait are social, talkative, excitable, outgoing and enjoy meeting people.

On the other hand, these people can be easily distracted and neglect their goals. They can also overestimate other people’s presence a lot, which can sometimes be a con.

  • Agreeableness

These are the people who are kind, altruistic, empathetic, cooperative and enjoy helping others.

On the other hand, agreeable people can easily be taken advantage of and also exhaust themselves to a point where they are left with nothing to offer themselves.

  1. Neuroticism 

These are people who are moody, chronically sad and all round emotionally unstable.

While the defining traits are not great, neuroticism goes hand in hand with creativity and problem-solving, and one can maximise these traits.

The trick is to get to know yourself as much as possible and learn to adapt the negatives to not work against you as per your chosen personal development area and development plan. 

“You may not be naturally open and extroverted. But given an important occasion or project, you have little choice but to act out of character, to rise to the occasion and be an alternative you — in a sense, perhaps, an optimised you.”

Advantages of developing yourself ‘personally’

Having emphasised the need to choose a personal development area before outlining a plan, let’s talk about why developing yourself puts you at an advantage. 

Whatever area you decide to focus on, i.e. career, relationships, mental health, etc. You cannot separate the outcome of your success from who you are as an individual and where you are in your entirety. 

Therefore, before everything else, the self-development journey should be concerned with who and what one is at the core. Understand that the innate traits that set you apart and make you who you are can be a disadvantage as much as they can be an advantage. 

If your innate traits are going to have a ripple effect on any part of your life, you might as well develop them to have a positive impact and add to the following advantages:

  • Strong sense of self-awareness

You will make better decisions for yourself and your life when you know yourself and what you expect from yourself and your surroundings. Consistently committing to developing yourself certainly helps you get to know yourself better more and more.

  • Living a balanced life. 

A disadvantage of not knowing what you want out of life is allowing multiple things to pull you in different directions, even when you can do without them. One can end up overwhelmed by demands that do not even fulfil them. The opposite can be said for someone whose personal development journey grounds them. 

  • Defining your life goals 

Often the instigator of personal development journeys, having defined goals, is a catalyst of progress and success because despite facing challenges, at least you are working towards clear goals, and any adjustment is still towards the same achievement. 

  • Building healthy relationships 

When you are sure of yourself, and what‌ adds value to who you already are, you will choose and gravitate towards connections that affirm you in the best way possible. You will reduce the likelihood of forging potentially toxic relationships. 

  • Motivated to be a success

One obstacle that limits success is not knowing what you want to do with your life. This is why people who know what they want out of life are motivated to chase the said thing. In retrospect, people who don’t know waste a lot of mental energy figuring out what they want. 

  • Strong self-control

Human beings are what they are because of their emotional and intelligent nature. At our worst, our emotions and intelligence can be the worst of us. This is why it is important for you to have some control over what you feel, think, and how you behave because of the preceding two factors. Self-control also aids temptations, habits and impulses.

  • Strong boundaries and decisions

When you know what you stand for and your ultimate goals for your life, you refuse to take on obligations you have no business doing. You know what makes sense to your journey and can make hard decisions that filter out the unnecessary fluff without being paralysed. 

  • All-round fulfilling life 

All in all, personal development has a ripple effect on all areas of your life. Ultimately, this is a journey that nurtures multiple shortcomings and strengths, creating a life of balanced demands and progressive solutions. An individual having an extensive understanding of all areas that can affect them nurtures this all-round fulfilling life. 

Ready to start your personal development journey? Download our free tool to help you map out your journey. 

Alternatively, you can join our personal development coaching programme. 

What are the benefits of personal development coaching?

There are many potential benefits to participating in personal development coaching. Some of the most common benefits include:

  1. Increased self-awareness: Personal development coaching can help you gain a better understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, and values, which can lead to improved decision-making and increased personal fulfillment.

  2. Improved performance: By setting specific, measurable goals and developing action plans to achieve them, personal development coaching can help you improve your performance in various areas of your life, such as your career or personal relationships.

  3. Enhanced communication skills: Personal development coaching can help you develop effective communication skills, which can improve your relationships with others and make it easier to achieve your goals.

  4. Greater personal and professional satisfaction: By working with a personal development coach to identify and pursue your goals, you may experience greater satisfaction and fulfillment in your personal and professional life.

  5. Increased confidence and motivation: Personal development coaching can help you build self-confidence and increase your motivation to pursue your goals.

  6. Improved problem-solving and decision-making skills: A personal development coach can help you develop the skills needed to effectively identify and solve problems, and make informed decisions.

Who is personal development coaching for?

Personal development coaching is for anyone who is looking to improve their personal or professional life and achieve their goals. It is a helpful resource for individuals who want to increase their self-awareness, build new skills, and make positive changes in their lives.

Personal development coaching can be particularly useful for people who are:

  1. Seeking to make a career change or advance in their current career
  2. Looking to improve their personal relationships
  3. Seeking to increase their self-confidence and motivation
  4. Struggling to manage their time or set and achieve goals
  5. Seeking to improve their overall well-being and happiness
  6. Looking to make a positive change in their lives, but are unsure how to do so

If you are facing any of these challenges or simply want to improve your personal or professional life, personal development coaching may be a helpful resource for you.

Which personal development coach is for me?

There are many different personal development coaches available, and it is important to choose one that is a good fit for your needs and goals. Here are a few factors to consider when choosing a personal development coach:

  1. Expertise: Look for a coach who has experience and training in the specific area you are looking to work on. For example, if you want to work on your career development, look for a coach who has experience helping others advance in their careers.

  2. Approach: Consider the coaching approach of the personal development coach. Some coaches may use more structured approaches, while others may be more flexible and adapt their approach to meet the needs of their clients. Choose a coach whose approach aligns with your preferences and goals.

  3. Personality: Personal development coaching involves a personal relationship between the coach and the client. It is important to find a coach with whom you feel comfortable and can build a rapport.

  4. Availability: Consider the coach’s availability and whether they offer sessions at times that are convenient for you.

  5. Cost: Personal development coaching can vary in cost, so it is important to consider your budget when choosing a coach.

It may also be helpful to speak with a few different coaches before making a decision, to get a sense of their style and approach and determine which one is the best fit for you.

"You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

Zig Ziglar

Need further help with personal development coaching? Get in touch. 

Book a no-obligation 30-minute call with Tammy Whalen Blake to discuss the best program for your personal development needs.

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Tammy Whalen Blake

Tammy Whalen Blake

Founder of go to yellow
Personal Development Coach

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Why do you need a vision statement?

Redefining Success | Resorting Life Balance

Why do you need a life vision statement?

What is a life vision statement?

A vision statement, like a life plan, can be a helpful tool for setting goals, staying organised, and staying focused on what is most important to you. It can help you to make the most of your time and to prioritise your activities in a way that aligns with your values and long-term objectives. A life vision statement can also provide direction and purpose and help you stay motivated and on track as you work towards your goals. Ultimately, having a life vision statement can help you to live a happier, more fulfilling life.

What are the benefits of a life vision statement?

There are many benefits to having a life vision statement. Some of the main benefits include:

  1. Setting goals: A life vision statement can help you to set specific, achievable, and measurable goals for different areas of your life, such as your career, your relationships, your health, and your personal growth. This can help you to stay focused and motivated as you work towards what you want to achieve.

  2. Staying organised: A life vision statement can help you to organise your time and resources in a way that allows you to pursue your goals effectively. This can help you to be more productive and efficient and can reduce feelings of overwhelm and stress.

  3. Prioritising your activities: A life vision statement can help you prioritise your activities and make the most of your time. By focusing on what is most important to you, you can ensure that you spend your time and energy on the things that truly matter to you.

  4. Increasing your sense of purpose: Having a life vision statement can give you a sense of purpose and direction and help you feel more fulfilled and satisfied with your life.

  5. Improving your mental and physical health: By setting goals and working towards them, you can improve your mental and physical health and well-being. This can lead to a greater sense of accomplishment and happiness.

Who needs a life vision statement?

Anyone can benefit from having a life vision statement, regardless of age, background, or circumstances. A life vision statement can be particularly helpful for people looking to make significant changes in their lives or trying to achieve specific goals. It can also be helpful for people who feel stuck or unfulfilled and are looking for a way to find greater purpose and meaning in their lives.

Ultimately, a life vision statement can be helpful for anyone who wants to live a happier, more fulfilling life.

How do you create a life vision statement?

There are many different approaches to creating a life vision statement, and your specific steps will depend on your individual goals and needs. Here are some general steps you can follow to create a life vision statement:

  1. Reflect on your values and priorities: Before you start planning, it’s important to take some time to reflect on what is most important to you. What are your values and priorities? What do you want to achieve in your life?

  2. Set specific, achievable, and measurable goals: Once you have a sense of your values and priorities, you can start setting specific, achievable, and measurable goals for different areas of your life. These goals should align with your values and be something you are truly committed to achieving.

  3. Make a plan: Now that you have your goals, it’s time to plan how to achieve them. This should include specific action steps, deadlines, and necessary resources.

  4. Get support: It can be helpful to have the support of others as you work towards your goals. This could include a coach, mentor, or accountability partner who can help you to stay motivated and on track.

  5. Be flexible: It’s important to remember that your life vision statement is a living document and that it may need to be adjusted as your circumstances change. Be prepared to adapt your plan as needed and stay open to new opportunities that may come your way.

  6. Review and adjust your vision statement regularly: Regularly reviewing and adjusting your life vision statement can help you stay on track and progress towards your goals.

When is the best time to create a life vision statement?

There is no “best” time to start a life vision statement. You can start creating a life plan at any point in your life, whether you are just starting out in your career, are well-established in your profession, or are planning for retirement. The important thing is to start when you are ready and feel motivated to make positive changes in your life.

That being said, there may be certain times in your life when it makes sense to start a life vision statement. For example, you might want to create a life vision statement if you are:

  • Graduating from school and starting your career
  • Facing a significant life transition, such as getting married or starting a family
  • Feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your current situation
  • Seeking to make a major change or achieve a specific goal

Ultimately, the best time to start a life vision statement is when you are ready and motivated to take control of your life and work towards your goals.

"You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

Zig Ziglar

Need further help with creating your life vision statement? Get in touch. 

Book a no-obligation 30-minute call with Tammy Whalen Blake to discuss the Focus & Direction program for your personal development needs. This program has seen many achieve massive changes in their lives, from starting a new business to strengthening relationships and having more me-time. 

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Tammy Whalen Blake

Tammy Whalen Blake

Founder of go to yellow
Personal Development Coach

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What is personal development coaching?

Redefining Success | Resorting Life Balance

What is personal development coaching?

What is personal development coaching?

Personal development coaching is a type of coaching that focuses on helping individuals identify and achieve personal goals. It is designed to help people develop new skills, improve their performance, and increase their self-awareness. Personal development coaches work with clients to identify areas of their lives that they want to change and then help them develop strategies and action plans to make those changes. They may work with clients on various issues, including career development, relationships, health and wellness, and personal growth. Personal development coaching is typically provided in one-on-one sessions and may involve group or online coaching.

What are the benefits of personal development coaching?

There are many potential benefits to participating in personal development coaching. Some of the most common benefits include:

  1. Increased self-awareness: Personal development coaching can help you gain a better understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, and values, which can lead to improved decision-making and increased personal fulfillment.

  2. Improved performance: By setting specific, measurable goals and developing action plans to achieve them, personal development coaching can help you improve your performance in various areas of your life, such as your career or personal relationships.

  3. Enhanced communication skills: Personal development coaching can help you develop effective communication skills, which can improve your relationships with others and make it easier to achieve your goals.

  4. Greater personal and professional satisfaction: By working with a personal development coach to identify and pursue your goals, you may experience greater satisfaction and fulfillment in your personal and professional life.

  5. Increased confidence and motivation: Personal development coaching can help you build self-confidence and increase your motivation to pursue your goals.

  6. Improved problem-solving and decision-making skills: A personal development coach can help you develop the skills needed to effectively identify and solve problems, and make informed decisions.

Who is personal development coaching for?

Personal development coaching is for anyone who is looking to improve their personal or professional life and achieve their goals. It is a helpful resource for individuals who want to increase their self-awareness, build new skills, and make positive changes in their lives.

Personal development coaching can be particularly useful for people who are:

  1. Seeking to make a career change or advance in their current career
  2. Looking to improve their personal relationships
  3. Seeking to increase their self-confidence and motivation
  4. Struggling to manage their time or set and achieve goals
  5. Seeking to improve their overall well-being and happiness
  6. Looking to make a positive change in their lives, but are unsure how to do so

If you are facing any of these challenges or simply want to improve your personal or professional life, personal development coaching may be a helpful resource for you.

Which personal development coach is for me?

There are many different personal development coaches available, and it is important to choose one that is a good fit for your needs and goals. Here are a few factors to consider when choosing a personal development coach:

  1. Expertise: Look for a coach who has experience and training in the specific area you are looking to work on. For example, if you want to work on your career development, look for a coach who has experience helping others advance in their careers.

  2. Approach: Consider the coaching approach of the personal development coach. Some coaches may use more structured approaches, while others may be more flexible and adapt their approach to meet the needs of their clients. Choose a coach whose approach aligns with your preferences and goals.

  3. Personality: Personal development coaching involves a personal relationship between the coach and the client. It is important to find a coach with whom you feel comfortable and can build a rapport.

  4. Availability: Consider the coach’s availability and whether they offer sessions at times that are convenient for you.

  5. Cost: Personal development coaching can vary in cost, so it is important to consider your budget when choosing a coach.

It may also be helpful to speak with a few different coaches before making a decision, to get a sense of their style and approach and determine which one is the best fit for you.

"You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

Zig Ziglar

Need further help with personal development coaching? Get in touch. 

Book a no-obligation 30-minute call with Tammy Whalen Blake to discuss the best program for your personal development needs.

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Tammy Whalen Blake

Tammy Whalen Blake

Founder of go to yellow
Personal Development Coach

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The Fundamentals To Goal Setting

Redefining Success | Resorting Life Balance

The Fundamentals To Goal Setting

The Fundamentals To Goal Setting: 10 Steps to Achieving Impactful Goals

Many set the same New Year’s resolutions every year, hoping to see different results. They are stuck in the same cycle of setting goals, forgetting about them or failing to achieve or even to start them. What might not be surprising is that only 8% achieve their goals. 

It seems modern society encourages us to think about the next significant milestone or chase something new. However, we don’t think enough about accomplishing the goals with a strategy in mind. 

What is Goal Setting?

Goal setting is an intentional and detailed process that identifies a new pursuit, skill, or project and a plan for achieving it.

When you set goals, you take control of your life’s direction. Goals provide you with focus and clarity. Your decisions and actions should bring you closer to achieving those goals. 

“it is a never-ending path but we can enjoy the journey on the way” 

Hannah - Client

Getting positively uncomfortable

The real challenge is not deciding if you want the result but accepting the sacrifices required to achieve your goal. You must consider if you want the lifestyle that accompanies that goal. This is where planning is essential as it will identify what must change to accomplish the goal. 

Before the exhilarating and enchanting outcome, do you want the dull and unappealing process? Everybody wants a gold medal, but not everybody wants to train like an Olympian.

Goal setting is about choosing the rewards you want and the sacrifice you are willing to pay.

How to Set Goals You'll Follow in 10 Steps

1. Start With Why

To identify the goal you want to achieve, you need to start with why you want to achieve it in the first place. It has to be something meaningful to you and not what is expected. For example, if you consider being a parent in the next five years, your why might be healthy to keep up with your child’s play activities and sports. A parent would need plenty of energy from rest, mindfulness, diet, movement and more. An expectation could be societies pressure to be skinny. The latter isn’t your personal motivator and will cause you internal conflict when trying to achieve your goal. Whereas the former is a more compelling and exciting reason to be working on your health. 

2. Prioritise the Ultimate Goal

Before you set the Ultimate Goal, take a closer look at what you’re trying to achieve and ask yourself the following questions: 

  • Does the goal allow you to get closer to your why?
  • Is this goal something you genuinely want right now? 
  • Is it important enough for the necessary effort and lifestyle change? 

If you’re unwilling to put in the time and effort, it may not be worth pursuing. Everything in life comes down to priorities and what you would like to achieve – conscious choices and subconscious decisions. Life becomes a series of messy experiences you struggle to manage without setting goals or objectives. You become the plaything of coincidence. 

One of the most significant obstacles to achieving goals is other goals. Sometimes you can overestimate your achievements which leave you struggling with your time and attention. Whenever you work on a new goal, you are taking focus and energy from your other goals. 

One of the quickest ways to make progress on your Ultimate Goal is to wait on less essential goals and focus on one Ultimate Goal at a time. It would be best to reorganise your priorities to allow improvement to come faster because you are now fully committed. 

3. Process, Not Outcome

Focusing on the process is one of the most challenging parts of setting and achieving goals. Due to the nature of a goal, you start with the end in mind. However, it’s the tiny steps you take to get there that matter. For example, the outcome you want to achieve is confidence in large public speaking events. That’s the goal. But working towards this goal, you discover that you are most comfortable in small interactive groups. Did you fail at achieving this goal? Not if you believe in the power of the process. 

In good time, you will build up the courage to speak publicly to large audiences, but you’re less inclined to keep trying if you think you’ve failed. 

4. Plan For It

Many choose an Ultimate Goal but never create an action plan to determine how they will achieve it. Your action plan should include all the necessary steps you need to take to get there – no matter how small they may appear. Grab a piece of paper and get writing. This will help you with the next step. 

As mentioned earlier, you need to be sure you are willing your change your lifestyle to get closer to achieving your Ultimate Goal. Now is the time to create the Evolving Goals, which change as you grow. They are designed for the next three months and focus on the habit changes.

If you want to be that parent with high energy, the habit could focus on regular sleeping for the next three months.

If you want confidence in public speaking, the habit could be reading a script out loud at home. 

5. Habit Stacking

There was a study that asked the participants to complete the following: “During the next week, I will partake in at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise on [DAY] at [TIME OF DAY] at/in [PLACE].” The conclusion of this research shows that you are between 2x to 3x more likely to stick to your goals if you make a specific plan for when, where, and how. 

After/Before [CURRENT HABIT], I will [NEW HABIT].

Here are some examples:

  • Sleep. After I have my dinner, I will read my book and rest my mind.
  • Meditation: Before I have my morning shower, I will meditate for ten minutes.
  • Situps: Before I make my bed, I will do 30 situps.
  • Water: Before I leave the house for work, I will drink some water.
  • Emails: After I’ve had my lunch, I will complete my emails. 
  • Job hunting: After I have my dinner, I will email my CV to the job I want.

Habit stacking and implementation intentions help us move from the goal in our heads to the specific process that will make it a reality.

6. Write Your Goals Down

When you write your goals down, they become real and tangible instead of a vague idea that lives in your mind. Once you’ve written your goals, keep them somewhere visible. Put them on your wardrobe doors, near your computer screen, or on the mirror in the bathroom for when you brush your teeth. Look at it weekly or, better yet, daily.

This tactic reminds you to keep working on your goals often. As you’re writing down your goals, use a positive tone, so you stay excited about achieving them.

7. Align Your Environment With Your Goals

Many of the decisions we make in our lives result from our surroundings.

Before sleeping, browsing social media is likely to be the default action if you go to bed with your phone in your hands. Eating is more likely the default action if your cupboards are filled with biscuits and cakes.

The same can be said for positive surroundings.

By storing a kettlebell next to your sofa, you are more likely to do kettlebell swings instead of sitting watching TV. Drinking water instead of coffee is more likely to be the default action if you have a bottle of water on your desk. 

8. Make It Public

You are more likely to stick to the goals if you tell someone about them. Share it on social media and provide updates. The encouragement can keep you accountable. 

9. Measure Your Goals

We all love to receive feedback – it is very human. The boost in our motivation is when we can see our progress. This doesn’t have to be validated by others. It can be an internal validation. Not everyone will understand your why as they have a different direction to travel in. Measurement is so critical for practical goal setting. By measuring your results, you get insight into whether you are making progress.

Check out the SMART goal setting PDF.

10. Take Action And Evolve Your Goals

Now that you’ve planned everything out, it’s time to take action. You didn’t go through all that work to forget about your goal. Every step you take should lead to another until you finish your Evolving Goal, and then it is time to repeat the process until you achieve the Ultimate Goal.

What shall you do now? 

Join the Goals & Accountability group for £39 per month or book in a call with me. I can help you find the right course of action for YOU. We can talk about your dreams, goals, desires and map out how you can achieve them.

Take the steps today to build your tomorrow!

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Tammy Whalen Blake

Tammy Whalen Blake

Founder of go to yellow
Personal Development Coach

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