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Why do you need a vision statement?

Redefining Success | Resorting Life Balance

Why do you need a life vision statement?

What is a life vision statement?

A vision statement, like a life plan, can be a helpful tool for setting goals, staying organised, and staying focused on what is most important to you. It can help you to make the most of your time and to prioritise your activities in a way that aligns with your values and long-term objectives. A life vision statement can also provide direction and purpose and help you stay motivated and on track as you work towards your goals. Ultimately, having a life vision statement can help you to live a happier, more fulfilling life.

What are the benefits of a life vision statement?

There are many benefits to having a life vision statement. Some of the main benefits include:

  1. Setting goals: A life vision statement can help you to set specific, achievable, and measurable goals for different areas of your life, such as your career, your relationships, your health, and your personal growth. This can help you to stay focused and motivated as you work towards what you want to achieve.

  2. Staying organised: A life vision statement can help you to organise your time and resources in a way that allows you to pursue your goals effectively. This can help you to be more productive and efficient and can reduce feelings of overwhelm and stress.

  3. Prioritising your activities: A life vision statement can help you prioritise your activities and make the most of your time. By focusing on what is most important to you, you can ensure that you spend your time and energy on the things that truly matter to you.

  4. Increasing your sense of purpose: Having a life vision statement can give you a sense of purpose and direction and help you feel more fulfilled and satisfied with your life.

  5. Improving your mental and physical health: By setting goals and working towards them, you can improve your mental and physical health and well-being. This can lead to a greater sense of accomplishment and happiness.

Who needs a life vision statement?

Anyone can benefit from having a life vision statement, regardless of age, background, or circumstances. A life vision statement can be particularly helpful for people looking to make significant changes in their lives or trying to achieve specific goals. It can also be helpful for people who feel stuck or unfulfilled and are looking for a way to find greater purpose and meaning in their lives.

Ultimately, a life vision statement can be helpful for anyone who wants to live a happier, more fulfilling life.

How do you create a life vision statement?

There are many different approaches to creating a life vision statement, and your specific steps will depend on your individual goals and needs. Here are some general steps you can follow to create a life vision statement:

  1. Reflect on your values and priorities: Before you start planning, it’s important to take some time to reflect on what is most important to you. What are your values and priorities? What do you want to achieve in your life?

  2. Set specific, achievable, and measurable goals: Once you have a sense of your values and priorities, you can start setting specific, achievable, and measurable goals for different areas of your life. These goals should align with your values and be something you are truly committed to achieving.

  3. Make a plan: Now that you have your goals, it’s time to plan how to achieve them. This should include specific action steps, deadlines, and necessary resources.

  4. Get support: It can be helpful to have the support of others as you work towards your goals. This could include a coach, mentor, or accountability partner who can help you to stay motivated and on track.

  5. Be flexible: It’s important to remember that your life vision statement is a living document and that it may need to be adjusted as your circumstances change. Be prepared to adapt your plan as needed and stay open to new opportunities that may come your way.

  6. Review and adjust your vision statement regularly: Regularly reviewing and adjusting your life vision statement can help you stay on track and progress towards your goals.

When is the best time to create a life vision statement?

There is no “best” time to start a life vision statement. You can start creating a life plan at any point in your life, whether you are just starting out in your career, are well-established in your profession, or are planning for retirement. The important thing is to start when you are ready and feel motivated to make positive changes in your life.

That being said, there may be certain times in your life when it makes sense to start a life vision statement. For example, you might want to create a life vision statement if you are:

  • Graduating from school and starting your career
  • Facing a significant life transition, such as getting married or starting a family
  • Feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your current situation
  • Seeking to make a major change or achieve a specific goal

Ultimately, the best time to start a life vision statement is when you are ready and motivated to take control of your life and work towards your goals.

"You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

Zig Ziglar

Need further help with creating your life vision statement? Get in touch. 

Book a no-obligation 30-minute call with Tammy Whalen Blake to discuss the Focus & Direction program for your personal development needs. This program has seen many achieve massive changes in their lives, from starting a new business to strengthening relationships and having more me-time. 

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Tammy Whalen Blake

Tammy Whalen Blake

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The Fundamentals To Goal Setting

Redefining Success | Resorting Life Balance

The Fundamentals To Goal Setting

The Fundamentals To Goal Setting: 10 Steps to Achieving Impactful Goals

Many set the same New Year’s resolutions every year, hoping to see different results. They are stuck in the same cycle of setting goals, forgetting about them or failing to achieve or even to start them. What might not be surprising is that only 8% achieve their goals. 

It seems modern society encourages us to think about the next significant milestone or chase something new. However, we don’t think enough about accomplishing the goals with a strategy in mind. 

What is Goal Setting?

Goal setting is an intentional and detailed process that identifies a new pursuit, skill, or project and a plan for achieving it.

When you set goals, you take control of your life’s direction. Goals provide you with focus and clarity. Your decisions and actions should bring you closer to achieving those goals. 

“it is a never-ending path but we can enjoy the journey on the way” 

Hannah - Client

Getting positively uncomfortable

The real challenge is not deciding if you want the result but accepting the sacrifices required to achieve your goal. You must consider if you want the lifestyle that accompanies that goal. This is where planning is essential as it will identify what must change to accomplish the goal. 

Before the exhilarating and enchanting outcome, do you want the dull and unappealing process? Everybody wants a gold medal, but not everybody wants to train like an Olympian.

Goal setting is about choosing the rewards you want and the sacrifice you are willing to pay.

How to Set Goals You'll Follow in 10 Steps

1. Start With Why

To identify the goal you want to achieve, you need to start with why you want to achieve it in the first place. It has to be something meaningful to you and not what is expected. For example, if you consider being a parent in the next five years, your why might be healthy to keep up with your child’s play activities and sports. A parent would need plenty of energy from rest, mindfulness, diet, movement and more. An expectation could be societies pressure to be skinny. The latter isn’t your personal motivator and will cause you internal conflict when trying to achieve your goal. Whereas the former is a more compelling and exciting reason to be working on your health. 

2. Prioritise the Ultimate Goal

Before you set the Ultimate Goal, take a closer look at what you’re trying to achieve and ask yourself the following questions: 

  • Does the goal allow you to get closer to your why?
  • Is this goal something you genuinely want right now? 
  • Is it important enough for the necessary effort and lifestyle change? 

If you’re unwilling to put in the time and effort, it may not be worth pursuing. Everything in life comes down to priorities and what you would like to achieve – conscious choices and subconscious decisions. Life becomes a series of messy experiences you struggle to manage without setting goals or objectives. You become the plaything of coincidence. 

One of the most significant obstacles to achieving goals is other goals. Sometimes you can overestimate your achievements which leave you struggling with your time and attention. Whenever you work on a new goal, you are taking focus and energy from your other goals. 

One of the quickest ways to make progress on your Ultimate Goal is to wait on less essential goals and focus on one Ultimate Goal at a time. It would be best to reorganise your priorities to allow improvement to come faster because you are now fully committed. 

3. Process, Not Outcome

Focusing on the process is one of the most challenging parts of setting and achieving goals. Due to the nature of a goal, you start with the end in mind. However, it’s the tiny steps you take to get there that matter. For example, the outcome you want to achieve is confidence in large public speaking events. That’s the goal. But working towards this goal, you discover that you are most comfortable in small interactive groups. Did you fail at achieving this goal? Not if you believe in the power of the process. 

In good time, you will build up the courage to speak publicly to large audiences, but you’re less inclined to keep trying if you think you’ve failed. 

4. Plan For It

Many choose an Ultimate Goal but never create an action plan to determine how they will achieve it. Your action plan should include all the necessary steps you need to take to get there – no matter how small they may appear. Grab a piece of paper and get writing. This will help you with the next step. 

As mentioned earlier, you need to be sure you are willing your change your lifestyle to get closer to achieving your Ultimate Goal. Now is the time to create the Evolving Goals, which change as you grow. They are designed for the next three months and focus on the habit changes.

If you want to be that parent with high energy, the habit could focus on regular sleeping for the next three months.

If you want confidence in public speaking, the habit could be reading a script out loud at home. 

5. Habit Stacking

There was a study that asked the participants to complete the following: “During the next week, I will partake in at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise on [DAY] at [TIME OF DAY] at/in [PLACE].” The conclusion of this research shows that you are between 2x to 3x more likely to stick to your goals if you make a specific plan for when, where, and how. 

After/Before [CURRENT HABIT], I will [NEW HABIT].

Here are some examples:

  • Sleep. After I have my dinner, I will read my book and rest my mind.
  • Meditation: Before I have my morning shower, I will meditate for ten minutes.
  • Situps: Before I make my bed, I will do 30 situps.
  • Water: Before I leave the house for work, I will drink some water.
  • Emails: After I’ve had my lunch, I will complete my emails. 
  • Job hunting: After I have my dinner, I will email my CV to the job I want.

Habit stacking and implementation intentions help us move from the goal in our heads to the specific process that will make it a reality.

6. Write Your Goals Down

When you write your goals down, they become real and tangible instead of a vague idea that lives in your mind. Once you’ve written your goals, keep them somewhere visible. Put them on your wardrobe doors, near your computer screen, or on the mirror in the bathroom for when you brush your teeth. Look at it weekly or, better yet, daily.

This tactic reminds you to keep working on your goals often. As you’re writing down your goals, use a positive tone, so you stay excited about achieving them.

7. Align Your Environment With Your Goals

Many of the decisions we make in our lives result from our surroundings.

Before sleeping, browsing social media is likely to be the default action if you go to bed with your phone in your hands. Eating is more likely the default action if your cupboards are filled with biscuits and cakes.

The same can be said for positive surroundings.

By storing a kettlebell next to your sofa, you are more likely to do kettlebell swings instead of sitting watching TV. Drinking water instead of coffee is more likely to be the default action if you have a bottle of water on your desk. 

8. Make It Public

You are more likely to stick to the goals if you tell someone about them. Share it on social media and provide updates. The encouragement can keep you accountable. 

9. Measure Your Goals

We all love to receive feedback – it is very human. The boost in our motivation is when we can see our progress. This doesn’t have to be validated by others. It can be an internal validation. Not everyone will understand your why as they have a different direction to travel in. Measurement is so critical for practical goal setting. By measuring your results, you get insight into whether you are making progress.

Check out the SMART goal setting PDF.

10. Take Action And Evolve Your Goals

Now that you’ve planned everything out, it’s time to take action. You didn’t go through all that work to forget about your goal. Every step you take should lead to another until you finish your Evolving Goal, and then it is time to repeat the process until you achieve the Ultimate Goal.

What shall you do now? 

Join the Goals & Accountability group for £39 per month or book in a call with me. I can help you find the right course of action for YOU. We can talk about your dreams, goals, desires and map out how you can achieve them.

Take the steps today to build your tomorrow!

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Tammy Whalen Blake

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Motivation Will Never Come

shock by a colourful wall

Redefining Success | Resorting Life Balance

motivation will never come

#12 Motivation Will Never Come

Hate to break it to you but motivation is never going to magically appear. It is a lie you tell yourself when you don’t want to take action. There is only one key to breaking free from the “I will start on Monday” lie. Watch this video to learn how.

It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently

Tony Robbins

Have you ever wondered how some people are able to achieve results, while others work hard but achieve very little?

Maybe those people appear more intelligent, ambitious, or maybe you say they are the lucky ones. These can help, sure, but there is more to making an impact than just appearing busy. The secret is consistent action. No matter how big or small. Just consistent. 

In order to be consistent, you must be committed to the results. You must go all-in and break free from your excuses. It may take a long time, but it is better than doing nothing. True consistency is about your ability to be dependable, to be reliable and accountable for all your choices, decisions and actions.

Being consistent seems very simple, yet most struggle. Why? They allow themselves to be distracted. People are not focused, committed or disciplined. They desire the quick-fix. The instant gratification.

Go back to your childhood. Did you give up learning how to ride a bike or did you keep trying until it was possible? Were you consistent?

Here is the thing – if you are struggling to be consistent, know that you are already doing it. It is called inconsistency. 

If you behave inconsistent in one area of life, there is a strong chance you are doing it in other areas. You are consistently inconsistent. 

Hard to swallow? I understand. Where there is self-awareness, there is change. Be the change you want to see.

You must know that there are no quick wins when committing to consistency because consistency is rather about making incremental improvements over time. You will get the desired results, however, they will come over an extended period of time.

Join any of our coaching programs and learn the habit of consistency. We hold you accountable until results have been achieved. If you would like to discuss the options, book a free coaching call here 

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Tammy Whalen Blake

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Focus Your Mind

focusing mind paperwork girl ginger

Redefining Success | Resorting Life Balance

Focus Your Mind

#3 Focus Your Mind

Are you feeling lost and unfocused? Do you get distracted easily and forget where you were to start with? Does this leave you feeling weary and lacking in motivation?

How many things have you got whizzing around inside of your brain at this moment in time? I bet that if you sat down and wrote them all down, there wouldn’t be half as much to worry about as you think. The problem with holding everything in a mental capacity is overwhelming and frustrating.

Many people keep their task lists in their heads, adding to it constantly until they get to a point where they just don’t know where to turn or what to tackle next. This is when they go into autopilot and fight the metaphorical fires as they meet them instead of having a strategy to stay organised and productive.

We are expecting far too much of ourselves to remember all of the stuff, all of the time. Something has to give sometimes, and it’s usually our sanity, not the work schedule.

So, where is the root cause of the problem? I can imagine that if you had a clearer head, you would have a much happier and productive day. But where is all of the brain fog coming from?

Why have you lost focus on your goals? I’m guessing it’s because you have so much other stuff to worry about right now. You probably tell yourself that you’ll think about that later when it’s quieter. But when is later? And why is there never a quieter moment?

Why are you lacking direction? Do you ultimately know what direction you want to head in? What’s the plan? I’m guessing you’ll be figuring that out in that quiet moment I just mentioned!? And in that same moment, you can think about identifying what it is that you’re passionate about and what you want out of life. 

Simple, hey!?

But, hang on, you need to do X, Y and Z first, so I guess you’ll have to put that thinking time off until tomorrow or next week or maybe a month?

Am I right?

How on earth can you focus and achieve your goals and desires if you are never giving yourself the time to think? The space to plan and do? Carrying on like this will make it virtually impossible!

planning focus your mind paper laptop

So, let’s start by making a plan to think about finding your focus again.

Time to think is essential for any task that you undertake. You can’t just plough into things at a hundred miles per hour and expect to come out with the results you had hoped for. There is going to be some clearing up to do along the way.

Approaching everything in life with a clear idea of what you want to achieve and how you will do it can only lead to success; even when taking on something simple such as the weekly food shop or entertaining guests. There has to be a thought process for everything, no matter how small.

So slow down, take your foot off the pedal, take a deep breath and….


Put aside some time in your diary at regular intervals and make a plan for each session. Make sure you are away from distraction and have some peace and quiet to really, deeply contemplate. I think we spend too little time contemplating these days.

Think about and note down your thoughts on these points:

  • What do you want from life?
  • Are you living your true purpose?
  • What is your passion?
  • What do you need to do to find these things?
  • What changes in your life do you want to make?

Using this list, then put an action plan together. This is where you can look to regain your focus and the goals you want to achieve.

We all need a purpose in life and when it goes astray, we then start feeling lost. I don’t think that we ever lose these desires but I do believe that we, all too often, push them aside to make room for the immediate things that are going on in our lives; especially the demands of others.

When you’ve put your plan together, it should now be giving you a direction to head in and some ideas on the things to change or implement to get there.

Having accountability is essential. Having someone who you can bounce ideas off of and who will keep you on track will only serve to motivate you into ticking off the steps toward your goals.

Also, you should identify what the distractions are for you in your life. Do you worry that what you seek won’t fit into societies ‘norms’ and that people will judge you for dreaming big? Are your goals being hindered by other people such as children and family or even a demanding boss? Do you worry that people will think you are being silly for wanting something more in life or is your life goal deemed just not ‘trendy’ enough? Does this hold you back as you think that it’s not the right time for whatever it is you want?

If someone else told you of their worries such as the ones above, in relation to their own dream, would you be telling them the same story that you are telling yourself or would you be championing them and their ideas, trying to bolster their confidence to push them into action? 

Why are you talking yourself out of being who you want to be? Is it how you’ve been conditioned or taught?

It’s time to BREAK FREE! You have the power to remove these limiting beliefs to live the life you want.

Make your plan – set actionable goals – find your accountability partner – and believe in yourself.

It’s as easy as that. 

The first step is to take the time to think. Clear your space and your head and rediscover your fire.

So, now you know what you need to do, what would be a good nudge to ignite that spark?

Who could you stay accountable to? You need someone who can listen with open objectives and no judgement. Like the sound of that?

TAKE ACTION! Book a coaching session – It’s that simple. 

Let’s chat through all of your hopes, dreams, desires, forgotten goals etc., and let’s rediscover your focus. Invest in yourself now and you will reap the benefits later when you are where you thought you’d never be. 

Take a look at joining my goals and accountability coaching sessions at or just reach out for a chat about how I can support you on your journey of discovery.

Get your diary out now and carve out some time for you. This is your opportunity; grasp it and the future you want.

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Tammy Whalen Blake

Tammy Whalen Blake

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Restoring Life Balance

restoring life balance

Redefining Success | Resorting Life Balance

restoring life balance

#2 Restoring Life Balance

Is Negative Overwhelm Getting You Down?

Do you feel like you’re treading water with not enough time to enjoy the fruits of your labour? Let me assure you, this is all too common, but it isn’t right.

It could be that you are spending too much time consumed by your workload, or you’re feeling the burden of unrealistic expectations being placed on you by others. It may be that you are letting your ‘To Do’ list govern your every waking moment, leaving you feeling fretful when you aren’t under pressure. 

These issues seem to be a recurring theme with many people I talk to. The context may not be the same but the underlying issues are. We can all feel like this from time to time but we must recognise when we need to make changes.

Everything in life must have balance but how is balance defined? In life, balance is when you feel content and fulfilled in all areas; health, wealth, family, romance, work, physical environment, recreation, friends.

When we give our focus to each area of life equally, we then find that we feel more at peace with ourselves and where we are on our journey.

This is a key sign that you need to readdress where your energy is being spent.

overwhelmed couple at work

BUT, Is the problem really OVERWHELM? Let’s dig a little deeper…

Often, there are other reasons why we keep ourselves busy.

🤯Sometimes, we use the excuse of being ‘busy’ to forget about other things that might be bothering us in life or we might feel the expectations placed on us are causing us to feel this discontent.

🤯The other argument could be that the adrenaline of stress is keeping us addicted to the motion of the proverbial hamster wheel.

These things are all within our control to change and we are the only ones that are creating this way of life. 

In essence, the workload isn’t keeping us on a knife-edge, our mindset is.

Can you identify yourself with any of these personality traits? 

➡️ PEOPLE PLEASER – You constantly ‘People Please’ and struggle to say ‘NO’ because you believe your self-worth is dependent on helping others.

➡️ BUSY BADGE WEARER – Wearing the ‘Busy Badge’ to keep a sense of pride and purpose and using it as an excuse to cancel or get out of plans as ‘YOU’ time isn’t your priority.

➡️ THE BEST – Keeping up the appearance of being in control and working all of the hours because you fear inadequacy. Delegation is a struggle!

The chances are, if you’re feeling under pressure, one or more of these titles will align with how you’re feeling. Can you see how your beliefs and views could have brought you to live this way?

‘But WHAT can I do about it!?’ I hear you cry. How can I feel less stressed?

Well, my first piece of advice is STOP! 

Just stop. 

Get off the hamster wheel, stop pedalling and find some headspace. If you can, get yourself away from the situation and take some time for you! 

Spend some time thinking about what life balance means to you.

What would you love to spend more of your time on?

What areas of your life do you feel you have neglected?

Are there any hobbies that you would like to rediscover or pastimes that have been long forgotten in the mire of overwork?

Taking some time out will help you gain a better sense of clarity as to what you would ideally like to achieve. Only when you know what your goal is can you go about setting the foundations to help you reach your ideal balanced lifestyle.

Life balance will look different for everybody; it all depends on what we personally hold important. The idea of balance will be a totally different ball game to a new mother who needs time to relax and rediscover herself to someone who is just out of Uni, looking to build a career and still wanting to enjoy a full social life.

Investing your energy in yourself is a great basis to bring back some self-respect.

No matter what situation you are in, there will most likely be an opportunity to delegate tasks to others.

➡️ If you live with family, have a think who can pick up some of the chores to free up some time to dedicate to the things you want to do instead of the tasks that drain you. 

➡️ If you are running a business, can you onboard some freelance help or invest in an employee who can help grow your business? Keeping you mentally on track is more likely to bring success. 

➡️ Have you got friends who could help with running some errands for you? Taking some of the pressure off of your shoulders will help centre you and rediscover time to refocus on the important tasks, thus reducing overwork and overwhelm.

Community is an essential part of being a human; living in a pack. Look at asking for help as a strength of character, not a weakness. Most of the time, people feel more valued when helping others.

➡️ Creating boundaries and making space for ‘downtime’ are also essential for an effective work-life balance. 

➡️ Creating a routine that you stick with will take away some of the daily, unimportant decision makings. Keep a schedule and refer to it at least once a day. Make sure you take enough time out and get enough rest. Life balance should be about spending as much time resting and enjoying life as working. 

If we are constantly working, we are not in a true growth mindset.

Organising your time in advance will ease the burden but spontaneity in our personal lives can keep a level of excitement and adventure. The key to beating the overwhelm is to make sure we are making time for fun and giving ourselves the opportunity to just ‘be’.

If it feels like a mountain that climbing alone is too much, this is the time when a coaching session is a sensible step to finding harmony in your life.

By chatting it through, we can find the real root of the cause and put some actionable steps in place to alleviate pressure and to help you gain clarity and the time to focus on your goals.

🎁 My gift to you is a free 30 minute discovery coaching call today, where I help you get clarity 🎁

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Tammy Whalen Blake

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You Can Make An Impact

how to make an impact

You Can Make An Impact

If you feel like your voice will not be heard, that you have no authority or feel like you’re too young…. Remember this girl, Greta Thunberg.

A 17-year-old Swedish environmental activist on climate change whose campaigning has gained international awareness. She began her journey by asking her parents to make lifestyle choices to reduce their carbon footprint. From there she started spending her school days outside Swedish parliament and then regular student strikes every week around the world began. 

Today, she held a speech and a march in Bristol with an enthusiastic audience of between 15,000 – 30,000 people.

Her ask of people is to act to save the planet. 

“This is an emergency. People are already suffering and dying from the consequences of the climate and environmental emergency but it will get worse.”

Furthermore, she comments about how our politicians and those in power for betraying the world’s youth. 

“This emergency is being completely ignored by politicians, the media and those in power.” “World leaders are behaving like children, so it falls on us to be the adults in the room.”

Her audience is captivated and supportive of the climate change movement. 

What makes Greta Thunberg different?

Notice how she has built an audience with mixed ages, ethnic backgrounds and from around the world. She leads with her purpose, has massive passion in her heart, addresses a big problem and shows up! This is the recipe for your movement, amongst other things, but this is a great starting point. 

Greta is no different from you. 

You have the power to start that business you’ve dreamed of, to add value to the executive board meetings, to start a local change campaign. 

Whatever it might be. You can become a leader with your superpowers!

But I don’t know what my superpowers are, Tammy!

I can relate to those who feel insignificant. 

I was a supressed saleswoman for a long time. The senior male decision-makers would ask my male counterparts for advice and solutions rather than me. In the end, I adopted a masculine approach to get noticed. I felt as though I couldn’t bring my unique self to a meeting, a negotiation or even at socials. If I wanted authority I had to dress like a businesswoman, speak logically and direct, I had to brush up my knowledge on cars and Rolex watches and I laughed at the sexual innuendos. Just to be accepted. 

I became conditioned to being this person and justifying it as normal. I couldn’t see the impact it had on my uniqueness and finding my superpowers.

Had I realised the only block in my way was me, I would have done things differently.

After taking time to rebrand who I am today (because we evolve over time) and by going through the Focus & Direction program, I now embrace and leverage my uniqueness. Not only do I have my own thriving business with a mission just like Greta Thunberg, but I also feel alive by being my true self. 

People follow my movement and are awakened to a new way of thinking and being in this modern world. I may be small today with lots of work to do, but I will have a large movement in good time. 

And just like Greta Thunberg, I lead with purpose, massive passion in my heart, address a big problem and show up.

But I don’t have the resources!

Granted, Greta Thunberg has a team supporting her movement but once upon a time not so long ago, it started with just Greta.

The single biggest inspiration is seeing the impact. Once one person’s life is changed, you can’t stop. They will remember you forever and be forever grateful. You know that there are many other people waiting for your help and so you lead with passion.

You just need to start and keep up the momentum. Where you focus your mind, energy will flow to keep pursuing your passion. Resources will stop becoming your problem when you hone in on your movement. 

So remember, it only takes one person to start an ovation. Eventually, there will be two, three and four more. Until the whole crowd will be on their feet. 

I hope I’ve instilled a new belief, that no matter your age, you have the power to start a movement.

Start your standing ovation today!


Uncover your superpowers with Tammy in a 60 minute free coaching session and start living the life designed by you, for you and with a lasting impact!


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Tammy Whalen Blake

Tammy Whalen Blake

Founder of go to yellow
Personal Development Coach

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Discovering Your Vision

Discovering Your Vision


While 93% of the population set New Year’s resolutions, only 8% go on to achieve. What makes them different?

Until today, we have been following an ineffective approach. Before you set a goal, you must know why you are doing it in the first place. More importantly, it must be something that motivates YOU. Something deep and meaningful. 

The key I am going to share with you today is the driving force behind powerful goals – create a VISION for YOUR life. 

If you do not know where you are going, unfortunately, you are influenced by other people’s vision, the latest fad or culture expectation. This is neither healthy or sustainable. 

It is like driving with a blindfold on, with several co-drivers giving you guidance, hoping you’ll arrive at your destination. When you arrive at the destination, you realise you are not in the right place, leaving you feeling lost, stuck and deflated. Furthermore, you realise have wasted your precious time and energy and must start again. 

Why waste years of driving many roads, only to find out that you will arrive at the wrong location?

There is a more effective approach.

Get back in the driving seat, and steer yourself to a more fulfilling and purposeful life!

Here are the 5 keys leaders use to get ahead in life:

  1. Your Vision Awakened

To discover your vision you must truly understand your personal values, meaningful areas of your life to invest in (health, wealth, relationships, career etc), skills, passion and interests. 

  • Write a 10-year vision that is beyond what you believe to be obtainable (written in the present tense),
  • a 2-5 year mission of how you are going to live in order to achieve the vision, and
  • create a vision board!

When you are excited every time you read your vision and mission statements, it is then that you have truly grasped who you are and what the future will be. 

Once you have your statements, it is time to get creative. 

It is a simple as adding images of your ideal life, belongings, goals and affirmations onto a board or book.

Once created, display somewhere where you often go to remind you of the vision. Spend time before sleeping visualising each image as if you’ve absolutely mastered the act and achieved success. This will awaken the reticular activating system (RAS) – the part of your brain that will cut out distractions and see opportunities clearer. 

Like blinkers on a horse. You’ll be sure of the direction to your destination. 

         2. Get a Coach

It is no easy task in developing a clear picture of what you want the future to be, one that is authentic and without an expectation.

Often than not, those who do it alone, get caught in the same trap of travelling in someone else direction because they are unable to recognise what they truly want. 

Equally, it is challenging to know what is an actual limitation, and one that is just your negative narrative. 

Negative narratives can be anything from childhood conditioning, the identity you hold onto, and your beliefs. 

A coach will guide you to an empowering vision

            3. Power of Communication 

Being able to communicate a vision to others is advantageous. This is something that sets a leader apart. Leaders master the ability to share a clear and exciting vision for the future, and the ability to communicate effectively. 

Honouring your vision every day will have a positive effect across your peers, employees and personal relationships. Shifting peoples beliefs with possibilities, of what can be and will be, arouses emotion and motivates people to be their best selves. They will see this vision as belonging to them and will serve you in closing the gaps. 

Equally, your vision can repel others. This is good! You do not want people wasting your time and energy if they are not on the same journey. Reduce the number of stop signs and lighten your load, save yourself some fuel on your journey to success. 

           4. Forget Focusing on The Money

Of course, money is important. It is far more rewarding to be true to yourself and developing a life you desire, than focusing on the money. 

Money will come when you are authentic.

When you raise your standards, to be the best in business, you’ll only accept greatness. 

By not focusing on the money requires a resourceful way of thinking – the kind of thinking innovators have. Better decisions will be made with this mindset. 

          5. Keep Your Posture 

During times of hardship, conflict and crisis, leaders thrive most when they remain calm. In a study at Stanford Business School, they examined the qualities in leadership. It concluded with two qualities for success are putting a team together and patience under pressure.

Others observe greatly during these times, your next move is being recorded by many. 

“If you can keep your head when all around you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, then the world is yours and all that’s in it.”

To operate calmly, you MUST know where you are going.

Remember …the first key is most important before the following four. 

And if you are not convinced…

Who is a world leader at what they do?


Tesla’s vision statement is “to create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.” and their mission, “to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.”

Tesla is true to their vision, they communicate effectively, they influence and inspire the best, it is never about the money but rather the environment. They are innovators. They are leaders.

Do you want to be a leader or a follower?

Well, now you know where it starts. It is not about goal-setting, but rather a vision of your future. Goal-setting is the next phase.

Ready to go deeper on this topic? 

Work with me to unlock your greatest self, with Your Vision Awakened Workshop:

Get back in the driving seat, and steer yourself to a more fulfilling and purposeful life!

Book your space on the workshop today – Your Vision Awakened

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Tammy Whalen Blake

Tammy Whalen Blake

Founder of go to yellow
Personal Development Coach