Art of Fulfilment

Tony Robbins, a world authority on leadership psychology and the number 1 life and business strategist, created the Art of Fulfilment by sharing insights into mastering 2 important lessons to an epic life.
Starting with the science of achievement which can be understood by the three forces of creation; focus, massive action and grace. However this is only half the story of success.
To be wholly fulfilled, not just from achievement, you must also live a rich life (not the financial kind). This goes beyond success. It can be achieved by finding what makes you yellow, contributing to lasting happiness.
Achievement is defined as a thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage. Tony describes these as the following three forces. Without these, the Art of Fulfilment is difficult if you haven’t achieved anything.
Fueling your focus requires desire and hunger, without this you will be unable to progress to the end. By channelling the power of clarity and commitment, results in making something happen. Activating your Reticular Activating System (RAS) allows for energy to flow to the desired success.
If you’re not moving forwards with the current tactics, it is time to change. Keep trying and trying, until you have mastered the task at hand. Just like learning to ride a bike, if you fall off, do you keep trying or do you give up? The best way to do this is find someone who has mastered the same task and model them. This allows for you to learn at pace than doing it alone. Learn from someone else mistakes and failures.
Some call this the “lucky”, “fortunate” or “the universe is talking to you”, whatever you want to call it, the fact is that there are times when something beyond our control happens, this is grace. Being open and accepting to grace allows for a better understanding of giving back, this is another key factor in fulfilment.
We have seen many people in the public eye who have a very successful career, lots of financial freedom and a fun-filled lifestyle however they remain unhappy. We view them as successful but what they aren’t, is fulfilled. If something is familiar to you, the more use you are to it, the less appreciative you become. You have the power to change this. With the right help, go to yellow can guide you to truly live a rich and full life.
To repeat the introductory message – To be wholly fulfilled, not just from achievement, you must also live a rich (not meaning financial) life. This goes beyond success. You need to live your best life possible. This can be achieved by finding what makes you feel yellow, resulting in lasting happiness.
Our minds are programmed to find faults and failures, this mindset can be altered by appreciation, instead of living in your familiarity and having expectations. Practising gratitude daily or seeking the positive in any given situation has improved successful in reaching fulfilment. Appreciate the little things such as your child looking directly into your eyes as they speak, that they want to fully connect with you or the text message from your partner wishing good night, they’ve taken the time to let you know they love you and are thinking of you. The energy that radiates your being will be infectious – people will feel the appreciation and often than not, repeat the act.
Science of achievement + Art of Fulfilment = Yellow!
Ready to go deeper on this topic with the master of personal development, Tony Robbins?
Purchase one of his top selling books on personal achievement: Unlimited Power

Tammy Whalen Blake
Founder of go to yellow
Personal Development Coach